B2 (First Certificate in English) is an English examination provided by Cambridge Assessment English. It shows that learners have the language skills needed to communicate confidently in an English-speaking environment. C1 (Advanced Certificate in English) is an English examination provided by Cambridge...
B2 level exams At this level you can do theCambridge First,BEC VantageandPTE General level 3practice exams You can also get an a B2 certificate if you do well enough in thePTE Academic, a multi-level exam, while B2 level candidates should get a band score of 5-6.5 on theIELTStest. B...
B2 表示没过;意思是:相当于中级水平。B1,B2这样的成绩,首先,这与传统意义上的B完全不是一个概念,得这两个成绩者,均为考试未通过,无法获得正规BEC证书。其中,B1是针对中级考试的,这个分数说明该生未达BEC颁证标准,但是,正确率相对较高;同理,B2是针对高级考试的,也说明该生离真正及格一...
B2 First exam, previously known as the FCE exam or the Cambridge First Certificate, is designed for students with upper-intermediate English skills. It is the most popular of theCambridge Englishexams because B2 is often the minimum level required by university programs in English-speaking ...
This level of qualification is often required for individuals who wish to study or work in a country where English is the primary language. 首先,必须了解 b2 级别的资格包括什么。这个级 别的资格通常是那些希望在英语为主要语言的国家学习或工作的人所需要的。 签证团签的流程 签证团签的流程如下: ...
First certificate in english / FCE / B2 First. A brief information about the B2 First exam and Exam format, Preparation, Result, Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking etc. Why B2 First? Key facts, local exam centre, paper based exam
B1 English ISE II tests are used to assess the level of English proficiency a person has. The level of English language ability needed for a visa application can vary depending on the immigration route. English language test results are needed for the application process for a number of visas...
Level B2 Certificate If your performance is below Level C1, but falls within Level B2, we will recognise your achievement with a Cambridge English certificate stating that you demonstrated ability at B2 level 赞 回复 享乐主义踏板车 (合则来,不合则去。) 2011-07-05 21:23:04 也就是说没有...
Solene MenguyUniversidad de Alicante (Spain)
B2 First, formerly known as the First Certificate in English (FCE) is an exam offered by the Cambridge Assessment English in England. When a candidate completes this exam successfully, he or she has proved adequacy in the English language. The examination is chosen by candidates who want to ...