邮件:Biovector@163.com 手机:18901268599 地址:北京 已注册 详细信息 咨询记录(共0条) B16-OVA Cell Line稳转细胞株 Cat No.: NTCC501219 BioVector NTCC质粒载体菌种细胞蛋白抗体基因保藏中心 B16-OVA is an OVA-transfected clone derived from the murine melanoma cell line B16. The tumor cell line was ...
英文名称 Mouse melanoma cells (chicken OVA gene modified) B16-OVA 英文同义词 Mouse melanoma cells (chicken OVA gene modified) B16-OVA CAS号 分子式 分子量 0 EINECS号 相关类别 Mol文件 Mol File 结构式 小鼠黑色素瘤细胞(鸡OVA基因修饰)B16-OVA 性质 小鼠黑色素瘤细胞(鸡OVA基因修饰)B16-OVA...
英文名: Mouse melanoma cells (chicken OVA gene modified) B16-OVA 英文别名: Mouse melanoma cells (chicken OVA gene modified) B16-OVA 中文名: 小鼠黑色素瘤细胞(鸡OVA基因修饰)B16-OVA 中文别名: 小鼠黑色素瘤细胞(鸡OVA基因修饰)B16-OVA CBNumber: ...
Alpha-MSH is not secreted by B16-OVA melanoma cells or up-regulated in mice bearing B16-OVA tumors.Karin LoserThomas BrzoskaVinzenz OjiMatteo AuriemmaMaik VoskortVerena KupasLars KlennerCornelius MensingAxel HauschildStefan Beissert
20.c.capasso,m.hirvinen,m.garofalo,d.romaniuk,l.kuryk,t.sarvela,a.vitale,m.antopolsky,a.magarkar,t.viitala,t.suutari,a.bunker,m.yliperttula,a.urtti,v.cerullo,oncolytic adenoviruses coated with mhc-i tumor epitopes increase the antitumor immunity and efficacy against melanoma,oncoimmunology...
联系人:Dr.Xu, Biovector NTCC Inc. 电话:400-800-2947 工作QQ:1843439339 (微信同号) 邮件:Biovector@163.com 手机:18901268599 地址:北京 已注册 详细信息 咨询记录(共0条) B16-OVA Cell Line Cat No.: NTCC501219 B16-OVA is an OVA-transfected clone derived from the murine melanoma cell line B16...
melanomaimmunotherapyuveitisautoimmunityCTLA-4 antibodyCytotoxic T Lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) is an important costimultory receptor expressed on activated T cells. CTLA-4 blockade using a monoclonal antibody (mAb) in conjunction with tumor vaccines has improved tumor responses in...
Activated OT-1 cells and systemic injection of anti-CD137 mAb show therapeutic synergy against B16-OVA melanoma.Francesco PappalardoIvan Martinez ForeroMarzio PennisiAsis PalazonIgnacio MeleroSanto Motta
895: Dasatinib-induced reduction of tumor growth is accompanied by the changes in the immune profile in melanoma B16.OVA mouse modeldoi:10.1016/s0959-8049(14)50795-2M. IlanderC. HekimM. Vh-KoskelaP. SavolaS. ThtinenA. HemminkiK. Porkka...