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Here are some key nutrients that can support healthy hair: Vitamin C: It helps with the production of collagen, which is essential for hair structure. Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli are good sources. Vitamin E: This vitamin is an antioxidant that can help protect hair...
USE OF VITAMIN B12 Q FOLIC ACID IN BALDNESS/HAIRFALLTo say how many people in this world are bald & have significant hairloss is difficult to assess, But it"s a reasonable supposition that significant number of people have hair loss & are searching for remedies.DR TANVIR HUSAIN ZAIDI...
I'm a vegetarian and need the b vitamins for hair loss and joints. B vitamins are 1 of the only vitamins I can take (apart from C) that doesn't cause seizures in me as I have epilepsy and many synthetic vitamins react badly with my medication. 15 eleanorlyons ⚠ I discovered ...
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Vitamin B12does a lot of good things for your body. It helps create your DNA and red blood cells, for example. It's also needed to develop yourcentral nervous system (your brain and spinal cord). And it helps keep your hair, nails, and skin healthy. Since vitamin B12 contains the min...
The low normal for vitamin B12 in England has been as low as 150. At 150 some patients had hair loss that was diagnosed as Alopecia, and said to be a permanent disorder. But, when those patients received B12 injections and reached healthy B12 levels their hair grew back and depression wen...
hair digestion and more It is also an essential vitamin for: addressingadrenal fatigue improving pernicious anemia and megaloblastic anemia benefiting multiple metabolic functions, including enzyme production, DNA synthesis andhormonal balance maintaining healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems ...
vitamin D,,Vitamin Deficiency Risk Factors,water,weight loss,women's health,iron deficiencyVitamin B12,Vitamin B12 Deficiency,Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms,Vitamin B12 for energy,vitamin D,weight lossStaci If you have ever tried to lose weight, then you probably have been told to track your cal...