Preliminary mark scheme for Writing Part 2 02 Use the words and expressions in the box to complete the letter below. (1) ……… Mrs Bennett (2) ……… for your letter of application for the post of training assistant. We we...
Don’t add too much information to your Writing Part 1 answer. 在写作的第1部分中,不要添加太多额外的信息。 Don’t copy too much language from the question paper. 不要从试卷上抄太多的单词及表达。 Don’t misspell key words which ...
Writing Part 1 (1 ) QUESTIONS 1-5 Here are some sentences about a school cookery club. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. Write only the missing words on your answer sheet. You may use this page for...
Centre no Date Time allowed: 2 hours 30 minutes - Listening - Reading - Writing Instructions to Candidates - Answer all the questions.- All your answers must be written in ink not pencil. For examiner’s use only Parts L1 L2 L3 L4 Total R1 R2 R3 R4...
2020新版B1语言能力训练课前加油站第四讲 B1 语言能力训练 Lesson 4 课前加油站 Reading Part 3 一、选择正确选项 - 1 -
Part II Focus words are the building blocks of writing; a good command of them is crucial. Definition of Correct Word the correct word, we mean the meaning of the word fits the idea that is to be expressed. Words have many types of meaning: ...
howtowritethelead,thebodyandthetailpartofanewsreport. 教学过程: StepI:Pre-reading Activity1:PresentingObjectives(30seconds) Theteacherpresentstheteachingobjectivesofthisclass--readingwritinganewsreport,andstatesthekeydifficultpoints. 【活动概述和流程】明确本节课的教学目标和重难点。
those are the basic information they need to get ready for their writing. then while checking answers, let students talk about their problems in learning english and help them speak up about their problems in a suitable way. ...
Lesson 3 课前加油站 Reading Part 2 一、选择正确选项 The young people below are interested in joining a dance or drama group.On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight dance and drama groups. Decide which group would be the most suitable for the people below.- 1 - ...
•Suggestedanswerstotheexercise•Sentencefunctions:•Declarative:1,2,3,5,7•Exclamatory:4•Interrogative:6 •Grammaticalstructures:•Simplesentence:1,6•Complexsentence:2,4,5•Compound-complexsentence:3,7 •Yourfinding:•Ifyoutrytousedifferenttypesofsentences,yourwritingmaybelessboring(...