B Lymphocytes B lymphocytesare the cells of adaptiveimmune system, which have either anti- or protumoral activities. They are capable of producing not only antibodies (Abs) targetingtumor antigensbut also cytokines, which play a role in T cell functions. The antitumorigenic B cells have direct ...
Introduction B lymphocytes are known to dominate the humoral immunity by producing antibodies, and are also involved in opsonization and complement fixation. B cells have also been shown to play important roles in the induction and regulation of T cell immune responses through antigen presentation an...
Presentation of the bacterial antigens on the surface of the macrophage then stimulates B lymphocytes specific to the pathogen, and the B cells produce more antibodies to control the infection. Emerging infections and pregnancy More results ► Dictionary browser ? ▲ azygous vein azygy azym azymi...
have shown how immune cells, called B lymphocytes, are able to produce daughter cells that are not equal, a finding that might explain how lifelong antibodies are made after vaccination.
Furthermore, the isotype and specificity of the antibodies produced by plasma cells can drive distinct immune responses. Here we summarize our current knowledge of the roles of B cells and antibodies in the tumour microenvironment. Moreover, we discuss the potential of using immunoglobulin repertoires...
The auxiliary role of T lymphocytes in the primary response is discussed.doi:10.1007/BF02872818J. ŠterzlCzechoslovak Academy of SciencesFolia MicrobiologicaŠterzl, J. (1974) The role of and T lymphocytes in forming cell clones producing antibodies. Folia Microbiol. 19: pp. 349-349...
CD5+ B lymphocytes are the main source of antibodies reactive with non-parasite antigens in Trypanosoma congolense-infected cattle (1997) CD5+ B lymphocytes are the main source of antibodies reactive with non- parasite antigens in Trypanosoma congolense-infected cattle. Immunology 92... J Buza...
can promote tumor heterogeneity and cancer stem cell-like populations that are associated with drug resistance. In immunity against infections, B-cells and their progeny, the plasma cells, produce antibodies that can eliminate the disease. Antibodies can also be produced againstcancer cellsbut are rar...
the circulation. Some of the labeled small lymphocytes were noted to become plasma cells. These findings suggested that thymus-derived lymphocytes circulate throughout the body and can respond to stimulation in peripheral lymph...
Immunoglobulins (Igs), also called antibodies, are composed of four peptide chains (two identical heavy (H) and two identical light (L) chains) and produced by B lymphocytes. Igs are capable of recognizing almost every kind of antigen, and this ability is primarily attributed to the extreme ...