B Lineage CellsLupardus, Patrick JCimprich, Karlene A
[2]Aribi, M. (2020). Introductory Chapter: B-Cells. IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.90636 [3]Hobeika E, Thiemann S, Storch B, Jumaa H, Nielsen PJ, Pelanda R, Reth M. Testing gene function early in the B cell lineage in mb1-cre mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Sep 12...
Regeneration of functional B lymphopoiesis from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) is challenging, and reliable methods have not been developed. Here, we unveiled the guiding role of three essential factors, Lhx2, Hoxa9, and Runx1...
B lineage cells in the inflammatory central nervous system environment: migration, maintenance, local antibody production, and therapeutic modulation. Ann. Neurol. 59, 880–892 (2006). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Meinl, E., Krumbholz, M., Derfuss, T., Junker, A. & Hohlfeld, R. ...
10c), suggesting that GABA produced in the tumour microenvironment may also regulate T cells and monocytes in some settings, perhaps explaining the poor prognosis for renal cell cancers with high infiltration of B-lineage cells37. The fluctuations in metabolite uptake and secretion that accompany ...
成熟B细胞在离开骨髓并进入外周淋巴组织后,通常被称为“幼稚B细胞”(naive B cells),因为它们尚未遇到抗原。 CD19:所有B细胞的基本标志物,用于B细胞识别。 CD20:B细胞特异性标志物,从前B细胞阶段开始表达,并在成熟B细胞中高表达。 IgM和IgD:表面免疫球蛋白,B细胞受体的一部分。成熟B细胞同时表达IgM和IgD。 CD...
et al. X-linked agammaglobulinemia: lack of mature B lineage cells caused by mutations in the Btk kinase. Springer Semin Immunopathol 19, 369–381 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00792597 Download citation Issue DateDecember 1998 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/BF00792597 Keywords Internal ...
(Grayet al., 1984). A newly developed mAb, HIS57, reacts strongly with MZ-B cells and only weakly with a minor proportion of RF-B cells, but not with other B-lineage cells (Deenenet al., 1997). MZ-B cells are sessile cells and some (circumstantial) evidence indicates that they ...
B-cell development starts in bone marrow with the commitment of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) to the B-cell lineage and ends with formation of mature B-cells in peripheral secondary lymphoid organs (the spleen). It is the sequential express...
These receptors are often expressed by immune cells in the B-cell lineage. The binding of BAFF or APRIL to their receptors supports B cells differentiation and proliferation, immunoglobulin production and the upregulation of B cell-effector molecules expression. It is possible that the overexpression...