For example, normal immortalized mammary epithelial cells, such as the MCF-10A cells, form polarized acini structures in Matrigel, reminiscent of the normal breast architecture [17], whereas breast cancer cells generate more variable structures [18]. Similarly, biologically appropriate cellular ...
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ソースファイルの C プリプロセッサ処理のみを行い、.i 接尾辞の付いたファイルに結果を出力します。-E オプションと異なり、出力ファイルに C のプリプロセッサ行番号付け情報は含まれません。-E オプションも参照してください。 B.2.56 -p 廃止。「B.2.134 -xpg」を参照してくだ...
If you are using some fancy architecture like Viper that splits up view controllers into sub-components, you may find that you need to bind a LayoutNode to something other than a UIView or UIViewController subclass. In that case you can use the bind(to:) method, which will connect the...
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Drews, G. N., Bowman, J. L. & Meyerowitz, E. M. Negative regulation of theArabidopsishomeotic geneAGAMOUSby theAPETALA2 Irish, V. F. & Sussex, I. M. Function of thegene duringfloral development., 741–751 (1990). ArticleCASGoogle Scholar ...
The architecture of rat lymph nodes. I. Combined light and electron microscopy of lymph node cell types. Anat. Embryol. (Berl.) 167, 229–246 (1983). CAS Google Scholar Crocker, P.R. & Gordon, S. Mouse macrophage hemagglutinin (sheep erythrocyte receptor) with specificity for sialylated ...
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[20]. In addition, the intensity ratio of the G and 2D bands also indicates the number of graphene layers, I2D/IG< 1, showing a few layered graphene [15,29]. Nevertheless, there is no obvious VO2(B) peak in the Raman spectrum probably due to the poor crystallinity and low density...
Molle, R.C. Taylor, A.K. Brown, G.S. Besra, I. Zanella-Cléon, K. Fütterer, L. Kremer The Mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III activity is inhibited by phosphorylation on a single threonine residue J. Biol. Chem., 284 (2009), pp. 6414-6424 ...