智慧城市项目优胜者 BIG Architecture DPC 的“Toyota Woven City”Toyota Woven City 是世界上第一个城市孵化器,致力于在日本富士山脚下推动各个方面的移动性发展。这条主要街道针对更快的自动驾驶汽车进行了优化,一条适合自行车和踏板车等微型交通工具的休闲长廊,以及一个专供行人、动植物群的线性公园,旨在为不...
智慧城市项目优胜者 BIG Architecture DPC 的“Toyota Woven City” Toyota Woven City 是世界上第一个城市孵化器,致力于在日本富士山脚下推动各个方面的移动性发展。这条主要街道针对更快的自动驾驶汽车进行了优化,一条适合自行车和踏板车等微型交通工具的休闲长廊,以及一个专供行人、动植物群的线性公园,旨在为不同...
6.智慧城市获胜者: BIG Architecture DPC 的“Toyota Woven City” 7.健康奖:中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院“上海可变形模块化COVID-19防疫医院” 8.再利用获胜者: STUDIO V Architecture 的“筒仓城” 9.道德与价值观获奖者: 3deluxe 的“ #WeThePlanet Campus” 10.数字技术获奖者: Schneider+Schumacher Intern...
One Architecture&Urbanism联合主创的 (简称BIG U) 一期工程的理念是采用 “桥接护堤”屏障进行雨洪保护 充分遵循总体规划中 “隐身的洪水屏障”的宗旨 由一系列耐盐植物 公共空间和景观节点串联而成 充分保护低洼地表的同时 塑造了一个承载城市生活的公共空间 目前,BIG U正在寻找管理合作伙伴 探索和发展公园管理模式 ...
This paper will focus on the French DPC (DPCC) architecture based on Hadoop.Laurence ChaoulVeronique ValetteBenoit FrezoulsAstronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems Conference
This generation of Xeon Scalable, Intel’s first on 10nm, uses a newer architecture Sunny Cove core. Benefits of this core, as explained by Intel, start with an extra 20% raw performance increase, enabled through a much wider core with an improved front end and a more execution resources....
Recently over the holiday break, I became interested in the 2600’s hardware architecture and started reading everything that I could find about it. I knew that it was some kind of 6502-based system, and I’d heard mentions of “racing the beam”, but that’s as far as my ...