怎么收费? 近两年来,共益行动 (B Corp movement) 在全球范围内迅速发展,申请共益企业认证的企业数量正在全球范围迅速增加,B Lab Global 需要协调更多的全球性资源和人才来匹配这些需求,并以可持续的方式继续提供认证服务,基于这个背景,全球的共益企业认证费用将在今年有所调整。 1. 认证费用 (Certification fee) 调整...
Pay first year of B Corp certification fees. Publish your B Impact report in the B Corp Directory. In some cases, a site review or third-party audit may be required for certification. B Corp Requirements B Corp certification requirements overview: Be a for-profit business entity that’s been...
“B Corp is to business what USDA Organic certification is to milk.” A Certified B Corp is a for-profit corporation that has been certified by B Lab, which is a non-profit company that measures a company’s social and environmental performance against the standards in the online B Impact...
The B Corp status is the perfect way for us to express how important we consider our sustainable mission.What is a B Corp? A certified B Corp meets high standards for social and environmental performance. A B Corp is committed to making the world a better place and having an impact on ...
(B Corp Certification ,简称‘B Corp’) 这一概念最初来自美国的非营利机构「共益实验室」(B Lab)。在 2006 年,该认证就开始思考重新定义商业成功:企业除了创造经济价值之外,如何才能对社会、环境产生更多正向影响。获得认证的B Corp企业是全球包容、公平和可再生经济运动的领导者,B Corp认证的企业们都有一个共...
为通过认证成为B Corp共益企业,企业需要满足以下要求:企业需要完成共益影响力评估 (B Impact Assessment,“BIA测评”),并且达到80分及以上,才可以通过B Lab的认证。BIA测评为是一个免费的、保密的平台,旨在帮助衡量和管理公司对员工、社区、客户和环境的积极影响。BIA测评的问题是由公司的规模、部门和市场决定的,总共...
B Corp Certification™由B Lab™颁发。作为一家非营利组织,B Lab™依据公司在治理、员工福祉、社区参与和环境管理等关键领域的影响进行严格评估。通过获得此项认证,Assembly APAC加入了全球超过9,000家获得B Corps™认证的杰出企业行列,这些企业为致力于产生积极影响的企业树立了标杆。 “这一里程碑是对...
Assembly获得亚太区B Corp Certification™认证 致力于可持续创新的领先媒体机构Assembly APAC今日宣布获得B Corp Certification™认证。这一里程碑突显了Assembly APAC在追求利润与实现目标之间取得平衡的坚定承诺,并致力于产生积极的社会和环境影响。作为一家全球性企业,Assembly已在欧洲获得B Corp™认证,并正在印度、...
B Corp Climate Circularity Community Commitment HOW TO RECYCLE? You loved the coffee you've just had, and you'll really love the way it can be recycled too. LEARN MORE Recycling How to recycle? Recycling at home What happens to your capsules? Environmental impact Second Life ...
B Lab certification fees range from $500 to $50,000, based on company revenues. If you’re interested in obtaining B Corp certification, your first step is to reflect on whether your business meets or is close to meeting B Lab’s standards. Do you already have community-minded ...