B Corp Costello Medical proudly achieved B Corp certification in May 2022, underscoring our dedication to positive and sustainable business practices. This certification validates our commitment to social and environmental responsibility, providing a framework for continuous improvement....
“B Corp is to business what USDA Organic certification is to milk.” A Certified B Corp is a for-profit corporation that has been certified by B Lab, which is a non-profit company that measures a company’s social and environmental performance against the standards in the online B Impact...
【每日分享 】B Corp认证(共益企业) (B Corp Certification ,简称‘B Corp’) 这一概念最初来自美国的非营利机构「共益实验室」(B Lab)。在 2006 年,该认证就开始思考重新定义商业成功:企业除了创造经济价值之外,如何才能对社会、环境产生更多正向影响。获得认证的B Corp企业是全球包容、公平和可再生经济运动的领...
There’s no cost associated with this step. 2. Complete pre-work Learn the specific legal requirements of B Corp certification for your company. B Lab provides an interactive tool for determining legal requirements on its website, based on location, type of business, corporate status, and ...
The B Corp status is the perfect way for us to express how important we consider our sustainable mission.What is a B Corp? A certified B Corp meets high standards for social and environmental performance. A B Corp is committed to making the world a better place and having an impact on ...
为通过认证成为B Corp共益企业,企业需要满足以下要求:企业需要完成共益影响力评估 (B Impact Assessment,“BIA测评”),并且达到80分及以上,才可以通过B Lab的认证。BIA测评为是一个免费的、保密的平台,旨在帮助衡量和管理公司对员工、社区、客户和环境的积极影响。BIA测评的问题是由公司的规模、部门和市场决定的,总共...
B Corp Certification™由B Lab™颁发。作为一家非营利组织,B Lab™依据公司在治理、员工福祉、社区参与和环境管理等关键领域的影响进行严格评估。通过获得此项认证,Assembly APAC加入了全球超过9,000家获得B Corps™认证的杰出企业行列,这些企业为致力于产生积极影响的企业树立了标杆。 “这一里程碑是对...
1. 认证费用 (Certification fee) 调整:全亚洲地区共益企业初次认证费自 2023 年 4 月 1 日起将进行调整。具体请参考下文中的认证费用表。 2. 申请费用 (Submission fee) 调整:全亚洲地区共益企业认证将调整申请费(按照付款日当日汇率计算),从 2023 年 4 月 1 日起提交的申请费用将不可退还、且不能被抵扣。
Assembly获得亚太区B Corp Certification™认证 致力于可持续创新的领先媒体机构Assembly APAC今日宣布获得B Corp Certification™认证。这一里程碑突显了Assembly APAC在追求利润与实现目标之间取得平衡的坚定承诺,并致力于产生积极的社会和环境影响。作为一家全球性企业,Assembly已在欧洲获得B Corp™认证,并正在印度、...
We aim to drive a forward-looking organization that supports its people and communities. This means, empowering Danoners through our B-Corp journey, preparing them with the skills of the future, and fostering human rights and social progress throughout our ecosystem. ...