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In addition, some microorganisms have demonstrated the ability to form nanoparticles, consisting of pure metals or metal compounds. The nanoparticles can be formed in the cells (intracellular) and on the cell surfaces (extracellular). So far, successful experiments on the laboratory scale for the ...
Full size image We have shown earlier that VEGF165b conditioned media (Bates et al, 2002; Rennel et al, 2008a) or recombinant human VEGF165b (Woolard et al, 2004; Rennel et al, 2008b) inhibits VEGF165-induced migration of endothelial cells. Migration of HUVEC was inhibited by the additi...
A test of lepton universality, performed by measuring the ratio of the branching fractions of the B 0 → K *0 μ + μ − and B 0 →
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For example, normal immortalized mammary epithelial cells, such as the MCF-10A cells, form polarized acini structures in Matrigel, reminiscent of the normal breast architecture [17], whereas breast cancer cells generate more variable structures [18]. Similarly, biologically appropriate cellular ...