* @param socket The newly created socket */publicvoidregister(final NioChannel socket){socket.setPoller(this);NioSocketWrapper ka=newNioSocketWrapper(socket,NioEndpoint.this);socket.setSocketWrapper(ka);ka.setPoller(this);ka.setReadTimeout(getSocketProperties().getSoTimeout());ka.setWriteTimeout...
终于进行到Connector的分析阶段了,这也是Tomcat里面最复杂的一块功能了。Connector中文名为连接器,既然是连接器,它肯定会连接某些东西,连接些什么呢? Connector用于接收请求并将请求封装成Request和Response,然后交给Container进行处理,Container处理完之后再交给Connector返回给客户端。 要理解Connector,我们需要问自己4个问题。
Destination file pathNoFileThe full path (folder plus filename) where the file returned by the web server will be stored Connection timeoutYesNumeric value30The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before giving up ...
← IELTS Full Form KYC Full Form → Try our new interactive courses. View All → GO Language Course 4.5(50+) | 500+ users JS Language Course 4.5(343+) | 6k users CSS Language Course 4.5(306+) | 3.3k users HTML Course 4.7(2k+ ratings) | 13.5k learners...
intloop1; NameValueCollection coll;//Load Form variables into NameValueCollection variable.coll=Request.Form;// Get names of all forms into a string array.String[] arr1 = coll.AllKeys;for(loop1 =0; loop1 < arr1.Length; loop1++) { Response.Write("Form: "+ arr1[loop1] +"<br>")...
终于进行到Connector的分析阶段了,这也是Tomcat里面最复杂的一块功能了。Connector中文名为连接器,既然是连接器,它肯定会连接某些东西,连接些什么呢? Connector用于接受请求并将请求封装成Request和Response,然后交给Container进行处理,Container处理完之后再交给Connector返回给客户端。
Content-Type是个重要的标识字段,当我们用文件上传时,multipart/form-data代表了这是一个多部分上传的文件类型请求,即此处的文件上传请求。后面的 boundary 代表在上传的实际多个部分内容时的分界线,该值应是在每次请求时随机生成且避免与业务数据的冲突。
Gets a value that indicates whether the mobile-device browser renders a WML do form accept construct as an inline button instead of as a softkey. RendersWmlSelectsAsMenuCards Gets a value that indicates whether the browser renders WML select elements as menu cards, instead of as a combo box...
bodyForm( Form.form().add("key", "value").add("list", "1").add("list", "2").build() ).execute().returnResponse(); assertThat(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200); assertThat(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())).contains(MimeTypes.FORM); } ...
contentType : String = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Type of content for service requests. HTTPMultiService headers : Object Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the third party endpoint. HTTPMultiService makeObjectsBindable : Boolean = true When true, the objects returned support data bindi...