B-57轰炸机,是美国马丁公司制造的全天候双座轻型轰炸机。它是在英国的“堪培拉”轰炸机基础上发展的,为满足美空军要求,结构有所改进,有多种类别。 性能简介 美国空军选择英国电气公司的“堪培拉(Canberra)”作为战术攻击轰炸机,这是自1918年以来美国军方首次大规模选用外国战斗机进入一线现役。马丁公司拿到了授权制造这...
The B-57 Canberra holds the distinction of being the first jet bomber in U.S. service to drop bombs during combat. The Canberra was used extensively during theVietnam Warin a bombing capacity; dedicated versions of the type were also produced and served as high-altitudeaerial reconnaissanceplat...
The B-57 Canberra holds the distinction of being the first jet bomber in U.S. service to drop bombs during combat. The Canberra was used extensively during theVietnam Warin a bombing capacity; dedicated versions of the type were also produced and served as high-altitudeaerial reconnaissanceplat...
进入合集:B-57轰炸机(绰号:“堪培拉” canberra),看更多29个内容 名称:B-57“堪培拉” 首飞时间:1953年7月20日 服役时间:1954年 生产单位:格伦马丁公司 气动布局:平直翼 发动机数量:双发 飞行速度:亚音速 8660 * 版权可能有保护,使用请联系原作者。
【DEVBLOG】美..The Martin B-57 Canberra was officially test flown on July the 20th, 1953, and was the first aircraf
97.36 MB 下载次数: 0 附件售价: 25 金币 B-57G Canberra (Angraf Model 1/2016) A4版 本地下载 立即购买 3 小时前 上传 [Angraf 2016-01] B-57G Canberra (A4).rar 文件大小: 40.32 MB 下载次数: 0 附件售价: 25 金币 B-57G Canberra (Angraf Model 1/2016) A4版 本地下载 立即购买 回复...
BUILD YOUR OWN B-57 CANBERRA 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 15 作者: D Smith 摘要: Just months after the Korean War ground to a halt, the U.S. Air Force brass was confronted with the problem of where to find a replacement for the Douglas B-26. To find a suitable jet replacement, an...
美国B-57“堪培拉”(Canberra)轰炸机 B-57是马丁公司制造的双座轻型轰炸机,1954年开始服役。美国B-58...