Martin Company built the new attack bomber under license as the B-57A. Testers suggest that a three-quarter-ounce weight be epoxyed into the nose to ensure that the aircraft sits properly on its landing gear when completed. One of t...
Martin Company built the new attack bomber under license as the B-57A. Testers suggest that a three-quarter-ounce weight be epoxyed into the nose to ensure that the aircraft sits properly on its landing gear when completed. One of the distinguishing features of the Canberra B model was its...
The prototype was first flown on May 13, 1949, and was problem-free. The first four prototypes were designated the CanberraB.MK 1, and were intended for use with a radar-assisted bomb aiming system. A delay in this system led to the production of a day bomber prototype, the CanberraB....
B-57B Canberra Bomber(4 Pcs.) Yao's Studio(Lao Yao)1:350 LYR350228 English Electric Canberra T.4 AMP 1:72 72-01 lim2023 New box All related products » Books Martin B-57 and English Electric CanberraUSAF Versions B-57 to B-57G, EB-57A & WB-57F, RAF Versions B... ...