在应用上启用虚拟网络集成。 将<frontend-app-name>替换为你的前端 Web 应用名称。 Azure CLI复制 打开Cloud Shell az webapp vnet-integration add--resource-group$groupName--name<frontend-app-name>--vnet$vnetName--subnetvnet-integration-subnet
将Web 应用添加到虚拟网络 使用az webapp vnet-integration 命令向 webapp 添加区域虚拟网络集成。 将 <vnet-name> 和 <subnet-name 替换为 Azure Database for MySQL 灵活服务器实例使用的虚拟网络和子网名称。 Azure CLI 复制 az webapp vnet-integration add -g myresourcegroup -n mywebapp --vne...
"Microsoft.Web/sites/Write" 创建自定义role来为用户添加以上权限,具体方式可参考:https://docs.azure.cn/en-us/role-based-access-control/custom-roles-portal App Service集成虚拟网络所需要的权限说明可参考:https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/app-service/overview-vnet-integration#permissions 当在复杂的环境中面...
Azure CLI:使用az functionapp vnet-integration命令來新增、列出或移除區域虛擬網路整合項目。 ARM 範本:可以使用 Azure Resource Manager 範本來啟用區域虛擬網路整合。 如需完整範例,請參閱這個 Functions 快速入門範本。 混合式連線 混合式連線是 Azure 轉送的功能,您可用來存取其他網路中的應用程式資源。 它可讓...
The virtual network integration feature requires: An App Service pricing tierthat supports virtual network integration. A virtual network in the same region with an empty subnet. The subnet must be delegated to Microsoft.Web/serverFarms. If the delegation isn't done before integration, the provision...
the preview feature ofAzure virtual networks (VNet) integrationto connect to an on-premise database, or to call into an Azure virtual network of your choice. You may also useaccess restrictionsto control where your app may receive traffic from and place additional safeguards on the...
The Azure Functions Premium plan which enables virtual network integration.Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: The Azure Functions Premium plan (a.k.a. Elastic Premium plan)Function AppThe function app to be deployed as part of the Azure Functions Premium plan....
Web App with VNet Injection and Private Endpoint This template deploys a secure front end - back end web app. The web app 2 (front end web app) is plugged in a subnet with the feature regional VNet integration, settings are set to consume a DNS private zone, the web ...
If you find yourself struggling with SNAT ports using Azure App Services and your destination is an Azure service that supports service endpoints, regional VNET integration with Service Endpoints or Private Endpoints can provide a fairly simple way to allow these requests to use an internal, optimize...
Add the VNet and two subnets. One subnet will be used for compute, and the other will be delegated to Azure NetApp Files: user [~ ]$ az network vnet create -n $vnet_name –address-prefix $vnet_address_range{ “newVNet”: { “addressSpace”: { “addressPrefi...