Azure CLI:使用az functionapp vnet-integration命令可添加、列出或删除区域虚拟网络集成。 ARM 模板:可以通过使用 Azure 资源管理器模板来启用区域虚拟网络集成。 有关完整示例,请参阅此 Functions 快速入门模板。 混合连接 混合连接是可用于访问其他网络中的应用程序资源的一项 Azure 中继功能。 使用混合连接可以从应用...
创建自定义role来为用户添加以上权限,具体方式可参考: App Service集成虚拟网络所需要的权限说明可参考: 当在复杂的环境中面临问题,格物之道需:浊而静之...
Virtual network integration VNet integration overview Enable virtual network integration Configure network routing Configure gateway-required integration Deploy app behind private endpoint Control outbound traffic with Azure Firewall Integrate with Application Gateway Integrate with NAT gateway Integrate with Traffic...
Stellen Sie ein NAT-Gateway mit einer öffentlichen IP-Adresse bereit, und ordnen Sie es dem Subnetz für die VNet-Integration zu.Richten Sie dann Azure NAT Gateway über das Azure-Portal ein:Navigieren Sie im Azure-Portal zu App Service>Netzwerk. Wählen Sie unter Ausgehenden Datenverkeh...
转到门户中的“应用服务计划”“网络”“VNet 集成”。 选择应用连接到的虚拟网络。 在“路由”部分下,添加与应用所连接的虚拟网络对等互连的虚拟网络的地址范围。 管理虚拟网络集成 与虚拟网络连接和断开连接都在应用级别进行。 可能影响多个应用的虚拟网络集成的操作在应用服务计划级别执行。 从应用 >“网络”>“VNe...
azuregovvnetintegration(script) Step1– Log In Step2– Enter in the configuration data for your web app, and select a VNET Configuration option Step3– If you select to a create a new VNET, you will be prompted to review the proposed configuration. Select NO to accept the defaults. ...
The Azure Functions Premium plan which enables virtual network integration.Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: The Azure Functions Premium plan (a.k.a. Elastic Premium plan)Function AppThe function app to be deployed as part of the Azure Functions Premium plan....
If you find yourself struggling with SNAT ports using Azure App Services and your destination is an Azure service that supports service endpoints, regional VNET integration with Service Endpoints or Private Endpoints can provide a fairly simple way to allow these requests to use an internal, optimize...
the preview feature ofAzure virtual networks (VNet) integrationto connect to an on-premise database, or to call into an Azure virtual network of your choice. You may also useaccess restrictionsto control where your app may receive traffic from and place additional safeguards on the...
The integration of the Azure Machine Learning studio with Azure NetApp Files is possible in several ways. This article covers step by step configuration of two scenarios: leveraging high-performance storage for AI model training tasks, and provisioning Azure NetApp Files volu...