New-AzureRouteTable–Name"MyRouteTable"–Label"Routing Table for Forced Tunneling"–Location"North Europe" 将默认路由添加到路由表中。 下面的示例将默认路由添加到在步骤 1 中创建的路由表。 唯一支持的路由是“”到“VPN 网关”下一跃点的目标前缀。
閘道子網路位址範圍或子網路:建立 VPN 閘道所需的閘道子網路。 目前,此欄位可能顯示不同的設定選項,這取決於虛擬網路位址空間,以及您是否已為虛擬網路建立名為GatewaySubnet的子網路。 如果您沒有閘道子網路,並且看不到此頁面上建立閘道子網路的選項,請返回虛擬網路並建立閘道子網路。 然後,返回此頁面...
Routes to the gateway-connected virtual networks or on-premises networks propagate to the routing tables for the peered virtual networks using gateway transit.You can disable the automatic route propagation from the VPN gateway. Create a routing table with the "Disable BGP route propagation" option,...
FQDN:如果您有一段特定時間後可能變更的動態公用 IP 位址 (通常取決於您的 ISP),即可使用固定 DNS 名稱搭配動態 DNS 服務,以指向您 VPN 裝置目前的公用 IP 位址。 Azure VPN 閘道會解析 FQDN,以決定要連線的公用 IP 位址。 位址空間:位址空間是指此區域網路所代表之網路的位址範圍。 您可以加入多...
Connect your infrastructure to the cloud with Azure VPN Gateway. Connect your on-premises networks to Azure from anywhere with Site-to-Site VPNs.
Connect your infrastructure to the cloud with Azure VPN Gateway. Connect your on-premises networks to Azure from anywhere with Site-to-Site VPNs.
(关闭Propagate gateway routes时) 配置方案:同理可得,也无法实现 结论:Spoke跟IDC之间,无法实现一个subnet跟特定IDC网段之间是否经过FW(原因是路由表上无法配置源地址,从IDC回来的数据包在GW路由表上无法按IDC网段区分) 需求2:云上与本地IDC之间访问的时候,大多数虚拟网络子网访问IDC网络经过FW再经过ExpressRoute,个...
GatewaySubnet <---这是Azure里面gateway网络地址端 VPN Type Route-based Azure BGP ASN 64513 Azure BGP Public IP Azure BGP peer IP <---gateway subnet 里的 On Premise Public IP On Premise BGP ASN 64512 On...
nameif vti-vpn-2- ip address #It should be within the 'GatewaySubnet' in Azure 这个没问题, tunnel source interface outside tunnel destination tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel protection ipsec profile Azure-Ipsec-PROF-vpn-2- ...
There has been a terminology change for Azure VPN gateways. Only the names have changed. There's no functionality change. Static Routing = PolicyBased Dynamic Routing = RouteBased Specifications for HighPerformance VPN gateway and RouteBased VPN gateway are the same, unless otherwise noted. For ex...