Azure AD还提供了内置的Role来管理一些比较常见的Security Scenarios,以下是应用于所有资源类型的是三个Roles: Owner:对所有资源都有访问权限,包含给其他人授权 Contributor:创建和管理所有类型的Azure Resource,但不包含给其他人授权 Reader:只能浏览已存在的Azure Resource 也可以根据需求,通过Azure Portal,Azure PowerShe...
Group="myResourceGroupName"echo"Creating SP for RBAC with name$servicePrincipalName, with role$roleNameand in scopes /subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup"az ad sp create-for-rbac--name$servicePrincipalName\--role$roleName\--scopes/subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourceGroups/$...
New-RdsRoleAssignment -TenantName <TenantName> -SignInName <Upn> -RoleDefinitionName "RDS Owner" 后续步骤 创建租户后,需要在 Microsoft Entra ID 中创建服务主体并在 Azure 虚拟桌面中为其分配角色。 通过服务主体可以成功部署 Azure 虚拟桌面 Azure 市场产品/服务来创建主机池。 若要详细了解主...
Azure AD 还提供了内置的Role来管理一些比较常见的security scenarios,以下是应用于所有资源类型的三个Role: Owner:对所有资源都有访问权限,包含给其他人授权 Contributor:创建和管理所有类型的Azure Resource,但不包含给其他人授权 Reader:只能浏览已存在的Azure Resource 也可以根据需求,通过Azure Portal、Azure PowerShel...
Change the billing for a subscription Change the Service Administrator Can't cancel subscriptions unless they have the Service Administrator or subscription Owner role Conceptually, the billing owner of the subscription. Service Administrator1 per Azure subscription ...
If the Owner role on the subscription is inherited from the current management group, your move targets are limited. You can only move the subscription to another management group where you have the Owner role. You can't move the subscription to a management group where you're on...
Made my Microsoft Account to be a 'Co-administrator' of the Azure Subscription. Gave my Microsoft Account the 'Owner' Role for the Azure Subscription. Added my Microsoft Account to the 'Global Administrators' group in Azure Active Directory. Set 'Guest users permissions are ...
Compute Gallery Sharing Admin This role allows user to share gallery to another subscription/tenant or share it to the public. 1ef6a3be-d0ac-425d-8c01-acb62866290b Data Operator for Managed Disks Provides permissions to upload data to empty managed disks, read, or export data of managed dis...
If you have a Microsoft Entra ID P2 or Microsoft Entra ID Governance license, an Assignment type tab will appear for management group, subscription, and resource group scopes. Use eligible assignments to provide just-in-time access to a role. This capability is being deployed in stages, so it...