Databases等等,当然也会用来开发和部署基于云的应用程序,使用比较复杂的人工智能服务等等,为了新建和使用Azure服务,跟公司申请一个Azure Subscription账号,若你仅限于学习Azure基础功能,那么也可以访问网站:申请一个free account,以下服务可以free使用12个月。
如果不希望服务主体成为所有者,则可以在 additionalProperties 中指定 subscriptionTenantId 和subscriptionOwnerId。 此过程会将指定的 subscriptionOwnerId 而不是服务主体设为新订阅的所有者。示例请求正文:JSON 复制 { "properties": { "billingScope": "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAcc...
建立訂用帳戶並讓 subscriptionOwnerId 成為擁有者 顯示其他 4 個 本文可協助您使用最新的 API 版本,以程式設計方式建立 EA 計費帳戶的 Azure Enterprise 合約 (EA) 訂用帳戶。 如果您仍使用較舊的預覽版本,請參閱 使用舊版 API 以程式設計方式建立 Azure 訂用帳戶。在...
My Support Plan is DEVELOPER, and my Subscription role is Owner. However, when I encounter an issue, I am unable to create a Support Request. As shown in the screenshot, I remember that last time there was an option to create a support request, but now… Azure Azure A cloud computi...
Add-RdsAccount -DeploymentUrl "" 然后,创建与 Microsoft Entra 租户关联的新 Azure 虚拟桌面租户: PowerShell 复制 New-RdsTenant -Name <TenantName> -AadTenantId <DirectoryID> -AzureSubscriptionId <SubscriptionID> 将带方括号的值替换为与组织和租户相关...
ACR_NAME=<registry-name> # The name of your Azure container registry GIT_USER=<github-username> # Your GitHub user account name GIT_PAT=<personal-access-token> # The PAT you generated in the previous section 现在,请执行以下 az acr task create 命令创建该任务: Azure CLI 复制 打开Cloud Sh...
{ "storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS", "id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/myOsDisk" }, "diskSizeGB": 30 }, "dataDisks": [ { "lun": 0, "name": "myDataDisk0", "createOption": "Empty", "caching": "ReadWrite", "...
Step 2: Adding the new guest as a secondary subscription owner on the account Having the user is not enough for the authentication to take place though. The user has to be recognized as a subscription owner. Azure allows you to set up secondary subscription owners. ...
The following limits are for the number of Azure AI services resources per Azure subscription. There is a limit of only one allowed 'Free' account, per resource type, per subscription. Each of the Azure AI services may have other limitations, for more information, see Azure AI services....
When a new Microsoft Azure subscription is created in a customer tenant, the partner is granted owner rights on this subscription, however, the customer is not by default. Therefore, the customer cannot log into the Microsoft Azure Management Portal and create/start/stop new Azure services for ...