创建完成后,跳转到 "cnbateblogweb-staticwebsite-cdn" 页面,点击 “+ Endpoint” 创建 CDN 的终结点 输入Endpoint 的相关信息 Name:“cnbateblogweb-staticwebsite” Orign type 选择:“Storage static website” ***这里注意一下,Origin type 是支持多种的,我们也可以选择 “Custom orgin”,然后把 Storage s...
azure.storage.blob._generated.models._models_py3.StaticWebsite StaticWebsite 构造函数Python 复制 StaticWebsite(**kwargs)仅限关键字的参数展开表 名称说明 enabled bool 指示此帐户是否托管静态网站。默认值为 False。 index_document str 每个目录下的索引页的默认名称。 error_document404_path...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56057614/azure-storage-static-website-error-resource-not-found-or-content-doesnt-exist For further reference:https://passos.com.au/deploying-vue-js-to-azure-static-websites/ Similar thread:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1275204/why...
<Days>number-of-days</Days> </DeleteRetentionPolicy> <StaticWebsite> <Enabled>true|false</Enabled> <IndexDocument>default-name-of-index-page-under-each-directory</IndexDocument> <ErrorDocument404Path>absolute-path-of-the-custom-404-page</ErrorDocument404Path> </StaticWebsite> </StorageServi...
通过用于 .NET 的存储客户端库,可以收集与应用程序执行的存储操作相关的客户端日志数据。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Client-side Logging with the .NET Storage Client Library(使用 .NET 存储客户端库的客户端日志记录)。下表显示了存储客户端库生成的客户端日志的示例,它说明了如何出现此问题:...
Microsoft introduced Static website hosting is a feature from storage account enabled on theStatic website. To enable static website hosting, select the name of your default file, and then optionally provide a path to a custom 404 page. If a blob storage container named$webdoesn’t already ...
Today we are excited to announce the general availability of static websites on Azure Storage, which is now available in all public cloud regions.
As of December 12, 2018, static websites on Azure Storage are generally available. For more information, please refer to the blog post, “Static websites on Azure Storage now generally available.” Today we are excited to announce the public preview ofstatic website hosting for Azure Storage!
I want to deploy my angular app to azure storage via static website. I created azure storage account and enable static website. after I ran the command of ng build --prod at terminal of vs code (my development environment) I deployed dis...
Inside the <ItemGroup> element, add the following: <PackageReference Include=”Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Storage” Version=”3.0.0″ /> and clickSave. Back in the console at the wwwroot folder, run the following command to rebuild the referenced assemblies in the bin folder: dotnet bui...