可以在静态网站页面上启用指标。 启用指标后,指标仪表板会报告有关 $web 容器中的文件的流量统计信息。若要在静态网站页面上启用指标,请参阅在静态网站页面上启用指标。功能支持启用Data Lake Storage Gen2、网络文件系统 (NFS) 3.0 协议或 SSH 文件传输协议 (SFTP) 可能会影响对此功能的支持。 如果已启用这些...
azure.storage.blob._generated.models._models_py3.StaticWebsite StaticWebsite 构造函数Python 复制 StaticWebsite(**kwargs)仅限关键字的参数展开表 名称说明 enabled bool 指示此帐户是否托管静态网站。默认值为 False。 index_document str 每个目录下的索引页的默认名称。 error_document404_path...
创建完成后,跳转到 "cnbateblogweb-staticwebsite-cdn" 页面,点击 “+ Endpoint” 创建 CDN 的终结点 输入Endpoint 的相关信息 Name:“cnbateblogweb-staticwebsite” Orign type 选择:“Storage static website” ***这里注意一下,Origin type 是支持多种的,我们也可以选择 “Custom orgin”,然后把 Storage s...
The following table lists the format for the standard endpoints for each of the Azure Storage services.Expand table Storage serviceEndpoint Blob Storage https://<storage-account>.blob.core.windows.net Static website (Blob Storage) https://<storage-account>.web.core.windows.net Data Lake ...
Today we are excited to announce the general availability of static websites on Azure Storage, which is now available in all public cloud regions.
As of December 12, 2018, static websites on Azure Storage are generally available. For more information, please refer to the blog post, “Static websites on Azure Storage now generally available.” Today we are excited to announce the public preview ofstatic website hosting for Azure Storage!
{"IsEncrypted":false,"Values": {"AzureWebJobsStorage":"","FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME":"node","DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING":"<YOUR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING>"} } Settings defined in theValuesproperty can be referenced from code as environment variables. In Node.js functions, for example, they...
Microsoft introduced Static website hosting is a feature from storage account enabled on the Static website. To enable static website hosting,...
现在,我们需要创建一个存储帐户来托管我们的网站。 这里只需右键单击我们的订阅,然后选择“Create Storage Account”。存储帐户完成后,右键单击该帐户,然后选择“Configure Static Website”。 创建Azure存储帐户后,我们需要将网站文件部署到该存储帐户。在VS Code中打开Files explorer,你可以找到一个名为public的文件夹,...
直传文件实际上调用的是Azure Storage REST API,在最初的时候,Azure Storage是不支持跨域访问的(CORS),在这种情况下,只有设置Storage容器的自定义域和Web应用程序的域一致。不过现在有了CORS的支持,就很简单了,通过下面的方法可以设置CORS(: public static async Task AddCorsRuleAsync(CloudBlobClient blobClient){...