1)在创建Storage Account的时候要先开启ADLS Gen 2.0 (即Enable Hierarchical namespace 和 Enable network file system v3) 2) 使用PuTTy,SSH登录到VM后,需要使用用root权限执行mount命令。 使用sudo -i切换到root目录中。同时,如果没有安装nfs helper会提示bad option消息。只需使用 sudo apt install nfs-common ...
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=`az storage account keys list -n$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME--query"[0].value"-o tsv` 在容器应用环境中创建存储链接需要存储帐户密钥。 定义存储装载名称。 Bash PowerShell Bash STORAGE_MOUNT_NAME="mystoragemount" 此值是用于定义从容器应用环境到 Azure 存储帐户的存储装载链接的名称...
Mount StorageAccount.file.core.windows.net:/StorageAccount/FileShare3 性能测试配置 我们使用以下资源和基准测试工具来实现并衡量本文中概述的结果。 单个客户端:具有单个 NIC 的 Azure 虚拟机(DSv4 系列) OS:Linux (Ubuntu 20.40) NFS 存储:Azure 文件存储高级文件共享(预配 30 TiB,设置nconnect=4 展开表 大...
Create a storage accountA storage account is an Azure Resource Manager resource. Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.Every Resource Manager resource, including an Azure storage account, must belong to an Azure ...
mount /nfsdata 对于在重新启动后不会持续存在的临时装载,请运行以下命令: mount -t aznfs -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp <storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net:/<storage-account-name>/<container-name> /nfsdata 提示 通过使用-t aznfs装载选项,可确保即使终结点 IP 在装载后发生更改,...
4.VM挂载NFS成功后,截图如下: 注意修改Azure VM的/etc/fstab里面,挂载到把NFS的UUID写入到fstab里。 leiaksnfsstorage02.file.core.chinacloudapi.cn:/leiaksnfsstorage02/aksnfsshare /mount/leiaksnfsstorage02/aksnfsshare nfs defaults,vers=4,minorversion=1,sec=sys,proto=tcp00 ...
Mount blob container using NFS 3.0 Each container in a newly created NFS 3.0 enabled storage account is automatically exported. NFS clients within the same network can mount it using this sample command: mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp.blob.core.windows.net:///mnt/test ...
3. failed to mount : failed to authenticate credentials for azstorageThere might be something wrong about the storage config, please double check the storage account name, account key and container/filesystem name. errno = 1** Possible causes are: ...
Mount blob container using NFS 3.0 Each container in a newly created NFS 3.0 enabled storage account is automatically exported. NFS clients within the same network can mount it using this sample command: mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp .blob.core.windows.net:// /mnt/test ...
Have tried now for 2 days to get a running postgres database up and running on Kubernetes with Azure files mountes as persistent volume - and it just does not work! It works WITHOUT persistent storage - but as soon as I mount Azure files...