第一种创建方式,使用Azure Blob Storage,使用NFS协议是3.0 1.创建新的Azure 存储账户,冗余类型请选择本地冗余存储(LRS) 2.在高级设置里,勾选Data Lake Storage Gen2,在Blob存储里,勾选:启用网络文件系统V3 3.后续直接创建即可。 4.创建完毕后,我们进行到Azure Storage Account存储账户里,然后点击容器,创建容器,...
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage v25.0.0 Gets or sets NFS 3.0 protocol support enabled if set to true. C# [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="properties.isNfsV3Enabled")]publicbool? EnableNfsV3 {get;set; } Property Value Nullable<Boolean> ...
1) 开启NFS的Azure Storage Account (官网中说可以选择 Root Squash为All Squash。谨记,最好是选择No Root Squash,不然会遇见Mount成功,但是没有查看/操作 /mnt/test 目录的权限问题) 2) Linux 虚拟机(本示例中使用的为 UbuntuServer 18.04-LTS) 3) Storage Account与Linux 处于同一虚拟网络中,并且在Storage Acc...
mount /nfsdata 对于在重新启动后不会持续存在的临时装载,请运行以下命令: mount -t aznfs -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp <storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net:/<storage-account-name>/<container-name> /nfsdata 提示 通过使用-t aznfs装载选项,可确保即使终结点 IP 在装载后发生更改,...
Security Enable storage account key access Optional When enabled, this setting allows clients to authorize requests to the storage account using either the account access keys or a Microsoft Entra account (default). Disabling this setting prevents authorization with the account access keys. For more ...
az storage account create\--resource-group$RESOURCE_GROUP\--name$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME\--location"$LOCATION"\--kindStorageV2 \--skuStandard_LRS \--enable-large-file-share\--queryprovisioningState 创建后,命令会返回“已成功”消息。 定义文件共享名称。
Each container in a newly created NFS 3.0 enabled storage account is automatically exported. NFS clients within the same network can mount it using this sample command: mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp.blob.core.windows.net:///mnt/test ...
Each container in a newly created NFS 3.0 enabled storage account is automatically exported. NFS clients within the same network can mount it using this sample command: mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp.blob.core.windows.net:///mnt/test ...
<guidisPermaLink="false">https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azurecat/?p=5385</guid> <description> <![CDATA[ The AzureCAT blog is moving to a new home on Microsoft Tech Community!... ]]> </description> <content:encoded> <![CDATA[ The AzureCAT blog is moving to a new home on Microso...
1)在创建Storage Account的时候要先开启ADLS Gen 2.0 (即Enable Hierarchical namespace 和 Enable network file system v3) 2) 使用PuTTy,SSH登录到VM后,需要使用用root权限执行mount命令。 使用sudo -i切换到root目录中。同时,如果没有安装nfs helper会提示bad option消息。只需使用 sudo apt install nfs-common...