本文介绍对 Azure 虚拟机 (VM) 上运行的、已通过 Azure 备份服务备份到 Azure 备份恢复服务保管库的 SQL Server 数据库进行管理和监视所要执行的常见任务。 其中将会介绍如何监视作业和警报、停止和恢复数据库保护、运行备份作业,以及从备份中取消注册 VM。 如果尚未为 SQL Server 数据库配置备份,请参阅备份Azure ...
Backup and restore options Automated Backup Azure Backup for SQL VMs Manual backup Show 2 more Applies to: SQL Server on Azure VMThis article provides guidance on the backup and restore options available for SQL Server running on a Windows virtual machine (VM) in Azure. Azu...
If the backup isn’t configured for the VM, the following backup options appear: Azure Backup Automated Backup On the Azure Backup blade, select Enable to start configuring the backup for the SQL Server using Azure Backup. To start the backup operation, select an existing Recovery Services vault...
You can back up SQL Server databases running on Azure virtual machines (VMs) by using Azure Backup.This article shows how to back up a SQL Server database that's running on an Azure VM to an Azure Backup Recovery Services vault.In this article, you'll learn how to:...
备份在Azure 上运行的SQL Server 具体操作步骤: 1. 在Azure Services 页面,点击ShopkartdemoVault 2. 然后在Shopkartdemovault页面,点击backup 3. 然后在Backup Goal页面,选择要备份的组件,比如SQL Server in Azure VM,然后按照向导配置Discovery DBs和backup,包含backup Policy,比如何时进行全部备份,何时进行差异备份...
1.Virtual Machine (VM) 和 SQL Server<-- 你在这里 2.Backup & Recovery Disaster 3.Publish Web Application to VM (IIS, HTTPS) 4.Azure Key Vault 5.Azure Storage (with custom domain) 6. Computer Vision (smart-cropped thumbnails, OCR) ...
The persist toggle in SaniyaSamreen There is a limit of 12.8 TB for backups to storage account container. So this means that this limit is set by the storage account and not set by SQL Server? I always thought it was a SQL Server limitation....
TCO 较低。将 SQL Server 工作负载迁移到云,以获得 SQL Server 的 HA/DR 和安全性以及 Azure 的灵活性和混合连接性。
Restore operation of SQL backup may fail with an error “Consolidation of recovery points of the replica failed” due to timeout. To resolve this issue, make sure you install this UR. Then add following registry key to increase the timeout value. The default value is 30 minutes. You can ...
1.Virtual Machine (VM) 和 SQL Server<-- 你在这里 2.Backup & Recovery Disaster 3. Publish Web Application to VM (IIS, HTTPS) 4. Azure Key Vault 5. Azure Storage (with custom domain) 6. Computer Vision (smart-cropped thumbnails, OCR) ...