<private ip><space><blob service privatelink FQDN> <private ip><space><queue service privatelink FQDN> 除上面所述的条目以外,在完成首次备份后还需要另一个条目,稍后将对此予以介绍。 在Azure VM 中备份和还原工作负载(SQL 和 SAP HANA) 创建并批准专用终结点后,无需在客户端进行任何其他更改即可使用该专...
For all operations, a SQL Server VM requires connectivity to the Azure Backup service, Azure Storage, and Microsoft Entra ID. This can be achieved by using private endpoints or by allowing access to the required public IP addresses or FQDNs. Not allowing proper connectivity to the required Azur...
Backup center support matrix Azure VM backup support matrix DPM/Azure Backup Server (MABS) support matrix MARS agent support matrix SQL Server Backup support matrix SAP HANA Backup support matrix SAP ASE Backup support matrix Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server long-term retention support mat...
我们会发现,默认会有一个RemoteDesktop的端口号,也就是我们的远程桌面连接是通过3389端口连接到SQL2012VM1这台VM上的。 4.然后我们点击窗口最下面的Add Endpoint,如下图: 5.在上图中,直接点击Next按钮。 6.在Add Enpoint窗口里,将Name设置为sqlserver,Protocol选择为TCP,将Public Port设置为57500, Private Port为...
服务终结点策略:选择要应用于 SQL 托管实例子网的任何服务终结点策略。 选择“保存”以完成配置虚拟网络。 警告 如果此子网上的策略没有/Services/Azure/ManagedInstance别名,可能会出现以下错误:Failed to save subnet 'subnet'. Error: 'Found conflicts with NetworkIntentPolicy.Details: Service endpoint policies o...
由于在App Service(Web App)中无法解析Redis的Private Endpoint IP,所以无法连接Redis,由于Redis在开启Private Endpoint时也有创建Azure Private DNS Zone,所以需要在App Service配置使用Azure Private DNS Zone用于解析Redis Private E你的point。 在App Service的配置中添加两项应用程序设置: ...
Virtual machine configuration: SQL Server settings SQL connectivity = Private (within Virtual Network)Port = 1433SQL Authentication = DisabledStorage configuration = GeneralAutomated patching = Sunday at 2:00Automated backup = DisabledAzure Key Vault integration = DisabledNote...
MABS V4 can be installed with SQL 2022 as the MABS database. You can upgrade the SQL server from SQL 2017 to SQL 2022 or install it anew. You can also back up SQL 2022 workload with MABS V4. Private Endpoint Support With MABS V4, you can use private endpoints to send your online ...
The following sections discuss recommended approaches for implementing point-in-time backups for Windows Azure Blob and Table storage, and SQL Azure databases. Blob and Table Storage Backup While blobs and tables are highly durable, they always represent the current state of the data. Recovery from...
gcp_sql_backup.sh - creates Cloud SQL backups gcp_sql_export.sh - creates Cloud SQL exports to GCS gcp_sql_enable_automated_backups.sh - enable automated daily Cloud SQL backups gcp_sql_enable_point_in_time_recovery.sh - enable point-in-time recovery with write-ahead logs gcp_sql_proxy...