若要向用户提供更精细的访问权限,应使用 Transact-SQL 语法创建登录名和用户。 若要向用户授予对单个无服务器 SQL 池数据库的访问权限,请执行此示例中的步骤: 创建登录名 SQL复制 usemasterCREATELOGIN [alias@domain.com]FROMEXTERNALPROVIDER; 创建用户 SQL复制 useyourdb-- Use your ...
CREATE DATABASE testdb; CREATE ROLE <db_user> WITH LOGIN NOSUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION PASSWORD '<StrongPassword!>'; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE testdb TO <db_user>; 若要尝试查询,可以将占位符替换为用户信息。 然后,你可以向数据库中的对象授予更多特权。 例如: ...
Most likely your application is connected to other Azure and non-Azure services. As such, your application makes outbound network calls to endpoints not on the scale unit of your application. This includes calling out to Azure services such as SQL Database and Azure Storage. There are up to ...
在Azure Database for MySQL 中创建用户<user>@yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com。 示例: SQL CREATEAADUSER'user1@yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com'; 如果用户名超过 32 个字符,建议改用别名,以供连接时使用: 示例: SQL CREATEAADUSER'userWithLongName@yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com'as'userDefinedShortName'; ...
To view and run shared queries, be aproject member. To add and save a shared query, have at leastBasicaccess. Permissions:Have yourContributepermission set toAllowfor the folder that you want to add a query to. By default, theContributorsgroup doesn't have this permission. ...
Permissions The security principal executing the script must be either: A server administrator using SQL authentication or Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication; A server login with an associated database user in the target database. The server login must be a member of##MS_ServerStateReader#...
SQL 复制 GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON USER::[Ted] TO Mary; D. 授予、拒绝授予和撤消架构权限以下GRANT 语句授予 Yuen 从 dbo 架构的任何表或视图中选择数据的能力。SQL 复制 GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [Yuen]; 以下DENY 语句阻止 Yuen 从 dbo 架构的任何表或视图中选择数据。 即使 Yuen 以某种...
参与者 每个单独的资产和批注 Read*、Update、Delete、ViewRoles备注 *如果项的读取权限从参与者处撤销,则所有权限都将撤销备注 读取、更新、删除、ViewRoles 权限适用于任何项(资产或批注),而TakeOwnership、ChangeOwnership、ChangeVisibility 和ViewPermissions 都只适用于根资产。 删除权限适用于项和任何子项或其下的...
-- Create a database-User for 'Jiao'CREATEUSERJiaoFROMLOGIN Jiao; GO 第2 部分:测试角色成员资格 以登录名Jiao身份登录并连接到示例中使用的用户数据库。 SQL -- retrieve server-level permissions of currently logged on UserSELECT*FROMsys.fn_my_permissions(NULL,'Server');-- check server-role membe...