参与者 每个单独的资产和批注 Read*、Update、Delete、ViewRoles备注 *如果项的读取权限从参与者处撤销,则所有权限都将撤销备注 读取、更新、删除、ViewRoles 权限适用于任何项(资产或批注),而TakeOwnership、ChangeOwnership、ChangeVisibility 和ViewPermissions 都只适用于根资产。 删除权限适用于项和任何子项或其下的...
Cosmos DB、Azure 数据资源管理器、Azure 数据工厂、Azure Data Lake、Azure 事件网格、Azure 事件中心、Azure IoT Central V2、Azure IoT Central V3、Azure 密钥保管库、Azure Log Analytics、Azure 队列、Azure 资源管理器、Azure 服务总线、Azure Sentinel、Azure 表存储、使用 Microsoft Entra ID 的 HTTP、SQL ...
-- Create a database-User for 'Jiao' CREATE USER Jiao FROM LOGIN Jiao; GO 第2 部分:测试角色成员资格 以登录名 Jiao 身份登录并连接到示例中使用的用户数据库。 SQL 复制 -- retrieve server-level permissions of currently logged on User SELECT * FROM sys.fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'Server');...
Register and scan Azure SQL Database. After you've registered your resources, you'll need to enable Data policy enforcement. Data policy enforcement needs certain permissions and can affect the security of your data, as it delegates to certain Microsoft Purview roles the ability to manage access...
My question: What are the required (both server and database) permissions to perform a MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion initialization? Problem Context: I have an Azure SQL database and an Azure App Service that connects to it. I want the App Service to use a database contain...
settings for your server. This stored procedure is only available in themasterdatabase to the server-level principal login. A server-level firewall rule can only be created using Transact-SQL after the first server-level firewall rule has been created by a user with Azure-level permissions ...
The following script grants these permissions: SQL Copy GRANT ALTER ANY AVAILABILITY GROUP TO [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] GO GRANT CONNECT SQL TO [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] GO GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] GO Set the SQL Server service accountsOn each SQL Server VM, complete the fo...
SQL GRANTVIEWDEFINITIONONLOGIN::TedTOMary; C. 为用户授予数据库级权限 以下示例为数据库主体(另一用户)授予对某一用户的数据库级权限。 SQL GRANTVIEWDEFINITIONONUSER::[Ted]TOMary; D. 授予、拒绝授予和撤消架构权限 以下GRANT 语句授予 Yuen 从 dbo 架构的任何表或视图中选择数据的能力。
Learn about how Azure SQL Database, SQL Managed Instance, and Azure Synapse authenticate users for access using logins and user accounts. Also learn how to grant database roles and explicit permissions to authorize logins and users to perform actions and
For non-admin users, create a user account in the database for non-admin users so that the user is authenticated at the database level and then grant the needed permissions. See Azure SQL logins and users. CREATE USER [jnj_user] WITH PASSWORD='<your-complex-password>'; GRANT SELECT ON...