在Azure Data Studio(或首选客户端工具)中,使用管理员登录凭据连接到 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 服务器。 将相关数据库作为当前数据库,使用 CREATE ROLE 和相关选项来创建新角色(用户)。 以下列查询为例: 创建一个名为 testdb 的新数据库。 创建具有强密码的新用户。 向testdb 数据库授予连接特权。...
Permissions To create databases via Transact-SQL: CREATE DATABASE permissions are necessary. To create a database a login must be either the server admin login (created when the Azure SQL Database logical server was provisioned), the Microsoft Entra admin of the server, a member of the dbman...
Update September 30, 2021:For updated information on how to authorize database access for Azure SQL Database, including adding user accounts and logins to databases and configuring user account permissions, please referencethis documentation. When you generate a SQL Azure server via theSQL Azure port...
This article guides you through creating and utilizing Microsoft Entra logins in the virtual master database of Azure SQL
This article guides you through creating and utilizing Microsoft Entra logins in the virtual master database of Azure SQL
support returning the entire set of catalogs from a user database.SQLServerDatabaseMetaData.getCatalogsuse the sys.databases view to get the catalogs. Refer to the discussion of permissions insys.databases (Transact-SQL)to understandSQLServerDatabaseMetaData.getCatalogsbehavior on an Azure SQL Database....
The following permissions are necessary to perform the steps below:CONTROL permission on the database. CREATE CERTIFICATE permission on the database. Only Windows logins, SQL Server logins, and application roles can own certificates. Groups and roles cannot own certificates. ALTER permission on the ...
In Windows Azure SQL Database, querying a dynamic management view requiresVIEW DATABASE STATEpermissions. TheVIEW DATABASE STATEpermission returns information about all objects within the current database. To grant theVIEW DATABASE STATEpermission to a specific database user, run the following query:...
可通过在具有权限的角色中获得成员身份来继承非显式授予或拒绝授予安全主体的权限。 固定数据库角色的权限无法更改,而且不会出现在 sys.server_permissions 和 sys.database_permissions 视图中。GRANT 显式授予一个或多个权限。 DENY 显式拒绝授予主体一个或多个权限。 REVOKE 删除现有的 GRANT 或 DENY 权限。
Service: SQL Database API Version: 2021-11-01 Updates an existing database. HTTP Copy Try It PATCH https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}?api-version=2021-11-01 URI ...