在“Azure Policy”页左侧的“创作”下选择“定义”(如果尝试删除分配,则选择“分配”) 。 搜索要删除的新计划或策略定义(或分配)。 右键单击定义(或分配)对应的行或选择其末尾的省略号,然后选择“删除定义”(或“删除分配”)。 审阅 在本教程中,你已成功完成以下任务: ...
尽管无法设置 policyType 属性,但 SDK 返回了三个值且在门户中可见:Builtin:Microsoft 提供和维护这些策略定义。 Custom:客户创建的所有策略定义都具有此值。 Static:表示具有 Microsoft“所有权”的法规合规性策略定义。 这些策略定义的合规性结果是 Microsoft 基础结构的非 Microsoft 审核结果。 在 Azure 门户中,...
当Azure Policy 与 Azure Virtual Network Manager 一起使用时,该策略面向Microsoft.Network.Data的资源提供程序属性。 因此,需要在策略定义中指定Custom的 policyType。 在 Virtual Network Manager 中创建策略以动态添加成员时,会在创建策略时自动应用此策略。 只需在通过 Azure Policy 或 Virtual Network Manager 仪表...
Apply guardrails on all your resources and enable real-time control and cloud compliance with Azure Policy.
2.While Azure Policy may not directly disable the firewall feature, You can create custom policies that ensure Private Endpoint is configured and that the firewall settings on your Azure resources can be turned off. refer -Built-in policy definitions for Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn ...
Product availability Service-level agreement(SLA) Where is Azure Policy available? Can I create custom policies? What types of Azure resources does Azure Policy support? Can I exclude a resource or a subscription?Ready when you are—let's set up your Azure free account Try Azure for free AI...
Greetings,My goal is to be able to audit activity carried out by users with custom roles in Azure. I ran across this policy, but it is confusing as to what...
utilizing a more streamlined architecture, and provides automation code to deploy the whole solution. If you are interested in this solution, be sure to check out Part 2 (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/fasttrack-for-azure/generate-azure-policy-compliance-alerts-by-sen...
You can also add custom policy monitoring to the compliance dashboard. With this preview feature, you can add your own custom initiatives. You’ll then receive recommendations if your environment doesn’t follow the policies you create. Any custom initiatives you create will appear alongside the ...
消息传送策略适用于短信、彩信和电子邮件通信。微软保留对不遵守消息传送策略的客户或其最终用户暂停或删除其 Azure 通信服务访问权限的权利。消息传送策略可从以下网址获取:https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/communication-services/concepts/telephony-sms/messaging-policy。