在v3.0 及更高版本 API 中,用于训练模型的生成操作支持新的 buildMode 属性,若要训练自定义模板模型,请将 buildMode 设置为 template。 REST 复制 https://{endpoint}/documentintelligence/documentModels:build?api-version=2024-11-30 { "modelId": "string", "description": "string", "buildMode": "te...
作为策略定义中 details.templateInfo 或 details.constraintInfo 属性的一部分,Azure Policy 将这些CustomResourceDefinitions(CRD) 的 URI 或Base64Encoded值传递给加载项。 Rego 是 OPA 和 Gatekeeper 支持的语言,用于验证对 Kubernetes 群集的请求。 通过支持 Kubernetes 管理的现有标准,Azure Policy 可重用现有规则并...
EnableCustomPermissions设置用户是否能够使用自定义权限选项 EnableCustomPermissionsForCustomProtectedFiles对于受自定义权限保护的文件,始终在文件资源管理器中向用户显示自定义权限 EnablePDFv2Protection不使用 PDF 加密 ISO 标准来保护 PDF 文件 FileProcessingTimeout更改扫描程序的超时设置 ...
and applications running outside Azure using familiar Azure tools and services like Azure Policy, Azure Monitor, and Defender for cloud. With Azure Arc, you can bring these resources into Azure's control plane, standardize operations, and apply consistent security and governance across your entire ...
Azure AD B2C runs code in your customer's browser by usingCross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). At runtime, content is loaded from a URL you specify in your user flow or custom policy. Each page in the user experience loads its content from the URL you specify for that page. After con...
The additional two or three custom policies that come with each core template of the "Starter Pack" inherit from this extensions policy, e.g.: 1. B2C_1A_ProfileEdit (ProfileEdit.xml policy XML file). 2. B2C_1A_PasswordReset...
PolicyDescriptionClassicV2ConsumptionSelf-hostedWorkspace Set request methodAllows you to change the HTTP method for a request.YesYesYesYesYes Set status codeChanges the HTTP status code to the specified value.YesYesYesYesYes Set variablePersists a value in a namedcontextvariable for later access.Yes...
utilizing a more streamlined architecture, and provides automation code to deploy the whole solution. If you are interested in this solution, be sure to check out Part 2 (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/fasttrack-for-azure/generate-azure-policy-compliance-alerts-by-sen...
有关Azure Custom Role的入门材料,可以参考:Azure ARM (17) 基于角色的访问控制 (Role Based Access Control, RBAC) - 自定义Role 自定义Azure Custome Role,可以创意任何资源,但是不能创建公网IP地址,不能创建网络资源,不能授权认证: { "id": "/subscriptions/d66e394d-79c1-4174-8cbf-cae4468ffdb2/provid...
aws_eks_ami_create.sh - creates a custom EKS AMI quickly off the base EKS template and then running a shell script in it before saving it to a new AMI. See also HariSekhon/Packer for more advanced build aws_kms_key_rotation_enabled.sh - lists AWS KMS keys and whether they have key...