Appliances and solutions for transferring data into and out of Azure quickly and cost-effectively Elastic SAN is a cloud-native Storage Area Network (SAN) service built on Azure. Gain access to an end-to-end experience like your on-premises SAN.Azure Elastic SAN ...
Elastic SAN är en molnbaserad SAN-tjänst (Storage Area Network) som bygger på Azure. Få åtkomst till en heltäckande upplevelse som ditt lokala SAN. Azure Elastic SAN Hantera beständiga lagringsvolymer för tillståndskänsliga containerprogram Azure Container StorageFÖRHA...
Azure Storage data services The Azure Storage platform includes the following data services: Azure Blobs: A massively scalable object store for text and binary data. Also includes support for big data analytics through Data Lake Storage. Azure Files: Managed file shares for cloud or on-premises de...
弹性SAN 是在 Azure 上构建的云原生存储区域网络 (SAN) 服务。获取对端到端体验(如本地 SAN)的访问权限。Azure 弹性 SAN 管理有状态容器应用程序的永久存储卷Azure 容器存储预览版 大规模简化存储数据管理任务Azure 存储操作 "实现超级磁盘存储后,我们便迎来顿悟时刻。我们知道一开始迁移到云将很具有挑战性。但是,当...
Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported. Return to main site Search MSDN Magazine Issues 2010 Overview January Overview Cloud Storage - Fueling Your Application’s Engine with Microsoft Azur...
test.storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; test.TestBlob(); Console.ReadKey(); 1. 2. 3. 4. 7.增加testBlob方法。该方法首先创建一个container,然后上传一个文件,最后列出所有文件 public void TestBlob() { //Create blob client ...
使用Azure 门户在订阅级别启用 Defender for Storage: 登录Azure 门户。 导航到“Microsoft Defender for Cloud”“环境设置”。 选择要为其启用 Defender for Storage 的订阅。 选择右侧三个点,然后选择“编辑设置”选项。 在“Defender 计划”页上,在列表中找到“存储”,然后...
Azure Storage 实现原理 阅读和学习论文 Windows Azure Storage: A Highly Available Cloud Storage Service with Strong Consistency白皮书. 以及官网文档Design a scalable partitioning strategy for Azure Tab…
Azure SDK for .NET Mixed Reality Mobilfunknetz Mobile Services Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Netzwerk Neue Relikt-Beobachtbarkeit Notification Hubs Operator Nexus – Netzwerkcloud Orbital Palo Alto Networks Peering Policy Insights PostgreSQL Privates DNS ...
Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.