Customers are doing great things with Azure storage products "Once we implemented Ultra Disk Storage, we had our eureka moment. We knew our initial move to the cloud would be challenging; however, it was less daunting once we saw the throughput those disks could give us." ...
大规模可缩放且安全的数据湖,适用于高性能分析工作负载 Azure Data Lake Storage 简单、安全且无服务器的企业级云文件共享 Azure 文件存储 由NetApp 提供支持的企业级 Azure 文件共享 Azure NetApp 文件 用于缓存本地数据的混合云文件共享 Azure 文件同步 云存储网关,用于在云和边缘之间轻松高效地传输数据 Azure...
Customers are doing great things with Azure storage products "Once we implemented Ultra Disk Storage, we had our eureka moment. We knew our initial move to the cloud would be challenging; however, it was less daunting once we saw the throughput those disks could give us." ...
Azure.Storage.File 程序集: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File.dll 包: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File v11.2.3 表示Microsoft Azure 文件服务中的文件。 C# 复制 public class CloudFile : Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File.IListFileItem 继承 Object CloudFile 实现 IListFileItem 构造函数 展开表 CloudFile(...
要在Microsoft Azure File Storage 中访问您的数据,请为其创建连接资产。 Azure 文件是 Microsoft 的云文件系统。 这些文件系统是受管文件共享,可通过服务器消息块 (SMB) 协议或网络文件系统 (NFS) 协议访问。 创建与 Microsoft Azure File Storage 的连接 ...
Azure 檔案是 Microsoft 的雲端檔案系統。 它們是受管理檔案共用,可透過 Server Message Block (SMB) 通訊協定或「網路檔案系統 (NFS)」通訊協定存取。 建立與 Microsoft Azure File Storage 的連線 若要建立連線資產,您需要下列連線詳細資料: 連線字串: 鑑別由 Azure 入口網站存取金鑰管理。
Microsoft Azure Storage provides a massively scalable, durable, and highly available storage for data on the cloud, and serves as the data storage solution for modern applications. Connect to File Storage to perform various operations such as create, update, get and delete on files in your Azure...
Azure Storage data servicesThe Azure Storage platform includes the following data services:Azure Blobs: A massively scalable object store for text and binary data. Also includes support for big data analytics through Data Lake Storage Gen2. Azure Files: Managed file shares for cloud or on-premises...
The Azure Storage platform is Microsoft's cloud storage solution. Azure Storage provides highly available, secure, durable, massively scalable, and redundant storage for data objects in the cloud. Learn about the services available in Azure Storage and h
用于快速且经济高效地将数据传入和传出 Azure 的设备和解决方案Azure Data Box 弹性SAN 是在 Azure 上构建的云原生存储区域网络 (SAN) 服务。获取对端到端体验(如本地 SAN)的访问权限。Azure 弹性 SAN 管理有状态容器应用程序的永久存储卷Azure 容器存储预览版 ...