Azure Data Factory 和 Synapse Analytics 管線中的 Until 活動會以迴圈的方式執行一系列活動,直到與該活動相關聯的條件評估為 true,或是該活動逾時為止。
可以为 Until 活动指定超时值。 验证活动 确保管道仅在存在引用数据集、满足指定条件或已超时时才继续执行。 Wait 活动 在管道中使用 Wait 活动时,管道将等待指定的时间,然后继续执行后续活动。 Web 活动 Web 活动可用于从管道调用自定义的 REST 终结点。 可以传递数据集和链接服务以供活动使用和访问。 Webhook ...
Console.WriteLine("Deleting the data factory"); dataFactoryResource.Delete(WaitUntil.Completed); 在此範例中的管線會將資料從 Azure Blob 儲存體中的一個位置複製到其他位置。 瀏覽教學課程以了解使用 Data Factory 的更多案例。 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎?
A maximum of 50 concurrent pipeline activities is allowed. The 51st pipeline activity will be queued until a free slot is opened up. A maximum of 800 concurrent external activities will be allowed, after which they will be queued in the same way. ...
Then, these partial results are merged in multiple parallel stages until the final aggregated dataset is created. Managing this process manually is extremely complicated and prone to sub-optimal execution based on incomplete information about the system and the changing shape of the data from day to...
@JohnDax in Azure Data Factory on 六月 23 2024 Hello ADF Community, I am currently facing an issue with a piece of code in my ADF pipeline that has been functioning correctly for like 2 years until recently. The code is designed to handle date calculations for incremental loads based on...
The output datasetAzureSqlMITable1refers to the linked serviceAzureSqlMI1. The linked service specifies the connection string to connect to the Azure SQL Managed Instance. The dataset specifies the database and the table to which the data is copied to. ...
Azure Data Factory Azure Machine Learning Microsoft Fabric HDInsight Azure Data Explorer Azure Data Lake Storage Azure Operator Insights Solutions Featured View all solutions (40+) Azure AI Migrate to innovate in the era of AI Build and modernize intelligent apps Data analytics fo...
Azure Data Factory (ADF): ADF provides the capability to natively ingest data to the Azure cloud from over 100 different data sources. It also provides graphical data orchestration and monitoring capabilities that are easy to build, configure, deploy, and monitor in producti...