{ "name": "RESTLinkedService", "properties": { "type": "RestService", "typeProperties": { "url": "<REST endpoint>", "authenticationType": "Anonymous", "authHeaders": { "x-api-key": { "type": "SecureString", "value": "<API key>" } } }, "connectVia": { "referenceName":...
將authenticationType屬性設為token。 除了上一節所述的一般屬性以外,請指定下列屬性: 屬性描述必要 apiToken指定 TeamDesk 的 API 權杖。 將此欄位標記為SecureString以將其安全地儲存。 或者,可以參考 Azure Key Vault 中儲存的認證。Yes 範例: JSON
可以从 Azure 数据工厂 (ADF) 和 Azure Synapse 的 Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) 上运行的 SSIS 包中使用 Windows 身份验证访问数据存储(如 SQL Server、文件共享、Azure 文件存储等)。 数据存储可以位于本地环境,可以托管在 Azure 虚拟机 (VM) 上,也可以作为托管服务在 Azure 中运行。 如果它们位于...
Publisher Microsoft Website https://azure.microsoft.com/services/data-factory/Creating a connectionThe connector supports the following authentication types:展开表 Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareableDefaultApplicable: All regionsParameters...
data_factory_name = "<your_data_factory_name>" location = "<your_location>" # Set the authentication headers headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer <your_access_token>" } # Create Azure Data Factory ...
Minimum api-version: 2021-04-01. CloudError An error response from the Compute service. ComponentNames The component name. Currently, the only allowable value is Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup. DataDisk Specifies the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a virtual machine. For more...
API Version: 2024-07-01 The operation to create or update a virtual machine. Please note some properties can be set only during virtual machine creation.PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmNam...
Announcing the second preview release of the Azure Services App Authentication library, version 1.2.0, which release enables simple and seamless authentication to Azure SQL Database for existing .NET applications with no code changes – only configuration changes. Try out the new functionality in exis...
API. It provides a great place to put an interface to enable testing your application with a mock API service. The service class can also be used to manage the authentication token and to provide a higher level API to the client application. The following code shows the service class for ...
private void initializeModel(Model model, OAuth2AuthenticationToken token) { if (token != null) { final OAuth2User user = token.getPrincipal(); model.addAllAttributes(user.getAttributes()); model.addAttribute("grant_type", user.getAuthorities()); ...