在删除自定义角色之前,必须删除使用自定义角色的任何角色分配。 如果尝试删除具有角色分配的自定义角色,将收到消息:There are existing role assignments referencing role (code: RoleDefinitionHasAssignments)。 下面是在删除自定义角色之前帮助查找角色分配的步骤: ...
Get-AzRoleDefinition| ? {$_.IsCustom-eq$true} | FT Name, IsCustom 查看角色定义 要查看特定角色的完整定义,请使用以下 Azure CLI 命令: Azure CLI az role definition list--name"Virtual Machine Operator" 要在PowerShell 中查看定义,请使用以下命令: ...
PowerShell 复制 Get-AzRoleDefinition -Name "Virtual Machine Contributor" | Select Actions | ConvertTo-Json 在我们的场景中,我们需要一个自定义角色用于监视和重启特定订阅的虚拟机,因此我们希望包括以下限定在订阅级别的操作:对计算、网络和存储资源的读取访问 能够启动和重启虚拟机 访问订阅中资源组 访问监视...
3. 创建custom role 创建好后保存为json文件到某个路径比如C:\CustomRoles\customrole1.json, 然后运行如下脚本创建custom role New-AzureRmRoleDefinition -InputFile "C:\CustomRoles\customrole1.json" 创建好后你可以get一下看是否生效: Get-AzureRmRoleDefinition -Name "Azure VM Power Operator" | ConvertT...
Get-AzRoleDefinition-Name'Automation Operator' 以下是範例輸出: Azure PowerShell Name : Automation Operator Id : d3881f73-407a-4167-8283-e981cbba0404 IsCustom : False Description : Automation Operators are able to start, stop, suspend, and resume jobs Actions : {Microsoft.Authorization/*/read,...
#登录Azure China,以Admin身份登录Add-AzureRmAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud#选择当前订阅Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName '[订阅名称]'#查看Azure已经存在的Role的Name,Id,IsCustom属性Get-AzureRmRoleDefinition | Select Name,Id,IsCustom ...
Custom field defined to contain a pick list of short text string (255 characters or less) values. StringorText field (single line) Short text string that can contain up to 255 Unicode characters. String text fields are often used to support picklists or drop-down menus. ...
A new deployment URL requires you to update your OAuth provider authentication URL, so there’s no way to automate the last step without using a custom domain name. Our Windows PowerShell scripts create all the Azure resources we need and hook them up, so everything that can be automated ...
Using custom attributes, you can add business-specific information, such as the user’s cost center or the business unit that owns an enterprise application, and allow specific users to manage those attributes. User attributes can be used in ABAC conditions in Azure Role ...
Create the Azure RBAC role. azroledefinitioncreate--role-definitionall-in-one-role.json Deploy MKE compute resources¶ Compute resources act as servers for running containers. To create a custom role to deploy MKE compute resources only: