If you have data actions, you will add those to the DataActions or NotDataActions properties. For more information, see the next section How to determine the permissions you need. Decide how you want to create the custom role. You can create custom roles using Azure portal, Azure Power...
PowerShell 复制 Get-AzRoleDefinition -Name "Virtual Machine Contributor" | Select Actions | ConvertTo-Json 在我们的场景中,我们需要一个自定义角色用于监视和重启特定订阅的虚拟机,因此我们希望包括以下限定在订阅级别的操作:对计算、网络和存储资源的读取访问 能够启动和重启虚拟机 访问订阅中资源组 访问监视的...
In the Azure portal, go to the subscription or resource group to which you want the custom role scope to apply, then go toAccess control (IAM)and selectAdd>Add custom role. You can choose to clone an existing role or start from scratch. ...
In the Azure portal, open a management group, subscription, or resource group where you want the custom role to be assignable and then open Access control (IAM). Click Add and then click Add custom role. This opens the custom roles editor with the Start from scratch option selected. ...
有关Azure Custom Role的入门材料,可以参考:Azure ARM (17) 基于角色的访问控制 (Role Based Access Control, RBAC) - 自定义Role 自定义Azure Custome Role,可以创意任何资源,但是不能创建公网IP地址,不能创建网络资源,不能授权认证: { "id": "/subscriptions/d66e394d-79c1-4174-8cbf-cae4468ffdb2/provid...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/custom-roles-powershell 那我在这里主要通过授权开机的案例来大概阐述一下整个思路。 1. 查看已有的role 也许会有人觉得现有的RBAC role难道解决不了问题么?呵呵,那我们一起看下
Custom Providers Data Box Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway Data Catalog Data Factory Data Lake Analytics Data Lake Storage Gen1 Data Migration Data Protection Data Replication Data Share Database Watcher Databricks Datadog Defender EASM (preview) Defender for Cloud Desktop Virtualization Dev Center Dev Te...
Azure custom roles Number of Azure custom roles per tenant 5,000 Number of Azure custom roles per tenant(for Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet) 2,000 Size of role name for Azure custom roles Recommended maximum: 256 chars Size of description for Azure custom roles Recommended maximum: 512...
Click+ Add \n SelectAdd custom role \n Under Basics provide aCustom role name. For example: Pipeline Developers \n Provide aDescription for Baseline permissions + Exclude permissions \n Microsoft Data Factory Under Microsoft.DataFactory permissions, typeLinked service ...
Windows Azure 的 Web Role 並沒有安裝 ASP.NET State Server,因此不可使用。 SQLServer 將狀態管理資訊保存在 SQL Server 內。 使用SQL Azure 資料庫來保存,但要額外的花費(至少每月 $9.99 美元) Custom 由開發人員自行實作 Session State Provider,以支援自訂的狀態管理功能。 可撰寫 Session State Provider 連接...