Create a disk from a snapshot - CLI Create a disk from a VHD - PowerShell Create a disk from a snapshot - PowerShell Create a snapshot from a VHD - PowerShell Create virtual machine from snapshot - CLI Create virtual machine from existing OS disk - CLI...
简单解释一下这个过程:首先是通过 az vm show获取磁盘ID并且存到了osDiskId这个变量中,然后将这个ID作为源创建了一个名为VM0snapshot的快照,再用这个快照创建了一个名为VM2OSDisk的托管磁盘,最后将这个托管磁盘作为OS盘attach创建了一台名为VM2的虚拟机。图中报错的两个地方是我做的两个尝试:第一处是在创建V...
Unlock the encrypted disk by using the ADE key file and the header file. Mount the partition:LVM,RAW or non-LVM. Create a repair VM Take a snapshot of the encrypted OS disk. Create a disk from the snapshot. For the new disk, choose the same location and availability zone as...
指定OS 磁盘映像的 Linux 源快照。 WithLinuxFromSnapshot(ISnapshot, OperatingSystemStateTypes) 指定OS 磁盘映像的 Linux 源快照。 C# 复制 public Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Fluent.VirtualMachineCustomImage.Definition.IWithCreateAndDataDiskImageOS...
This script creates a virtual machine from a snapshot of an OS disk. If you don't have anAzure subscription, create anAzure free accountbefore you begin. Sample script PowerShellCopy #Provide the subscription Id$subscriptionId='yourSubscriptionId'#Provide the name of ...
From-Image 模式 From-Image 模式下需要提供 image 的 uri 和 vhd 的 uri, createOption 采用 FromImage variables('userImageUri') 为前面用 Portal 上传的 VHD 文件的 URL 而variables('osDiskVhdUri') 为 是用户指定的新的虚拟机绑定的 VHD 文件,实际上是 CentOS7-AzureStack-WithAgent.vhd 的副本。
Step 1. Use az vm show to retrieve the disk ID osDiskId=$(az vm show \-g myResourceGroup \-n myVM \--query""\-o tsv) Copy Step 2. Use az snapshot to create a snapshot named Disk-backup ...
创建demovm_OsDisk_snapshot1,相较之前的全量备份,命令行上增加了 --incremental 参数 # 按照实际部署替换 <subscription>, <resourcegroup>, <manageddiskname> az snapshot create -g <resourcegroup> -n demovm_OsDisk_snapshot1 -l <location> --source"/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/<resos...
"osDisk": { "osType": "Windows", "name": "myOsDisk", "createOption": "FromImage", "caching": "ReadWrite", "managedDisk": { "storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS", "id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/myOsDisk" }, "dis...
"osDisk": { "caching": "ReadWrite", "managedDisk": { "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS", "diskEncryptionSet": { "id": "aaaaaaaaaaaa" } }, "createOption": "FromImage", "name": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "writeAcceleratorEnabled": true, "diffDiskSettings": { "option": "Local", "pla...