简单解释一下这个过程:首先是通过 az vm show获取磁盘ID并且存到了osDiskId这个变量中,然后将这个ID作为源创建了一个名为VM0snapshot的快照,再用这个快照创建了一个名为VM2OSDisk的托管磁盘,最后将这个托管磁盘作为OS盘attach创建了一台名为VM2的虚拟机。图中报错的两个地方是我做的两个尝试:第一处是在创建V...
简单解释一下这个过程:首先是通过 az vm show获取磁盘ID并且存到了osDiskId这个变量中,然后将这个ID作为源创建了一个名为VM0snapshot的快照,再用这个快照创建了一个名为VM2OSDisk的托管磁盘,最后将这个托管磁盘作为OS盘attach创建了一台名为VM2的虚拟机。图中报错的两个地方是我做的两个尝试:第一处是在创建V...
disk has linux OS$VirtualMachine=Set-AzVMOSDisk-VM$VirtualMachine-ManagedDiskId$disk.Id-CreateOptionAttach-Windows#Create a public IP for the VM$publicIp=New-AzPublicIpAddress-Name($VirtualMachineName.ToLower()+'_ip')-ResourceGroupName$resourceGroupName-Location$snapsho...
Yes, I've seen it. However, in order to revert back to the VM's original state, you must delete the original VM, then create a new VM from the snapshot by running a PS script and manually entering many required parameters. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machine...
Create a VM from an existing managed OS disk that was created from a snapshot If you don't have anAzure subscription, create anAzure free accountbefore you begin. Prerequisites Use the Bash environment inAzure Cloud Shell. For more information, seeQuickstart for Bash in Azure Cloud Shell. ...
Azure 備份使用 VM Snapshot 擴充功能採用與 Azure 虛擬機器備份一致的應用程式,而不需要關閉 VM。 Microsoft 將 VM Snapshot 擴充功能當作 Azure 備份服務的一部分發行並提供支援。 Azure 備份將會在第一次排程備份觸發的啟用後備份時,安裝擴充功能。 本文件詳述適用於 VM Snapshot 擴充功能所支援的平台、組態和...
Create a VM from an existing managed disk that was created from a specialized VHD file Create a VM from an existing managed OS disk that was created from a snapshotTo run this sample, install the latest version of the Azure CLI. To start, run ...
在上传镜像的过程中,我们需要填写一些相关信息,如 PUBLISHER, OFFER, SKU, VERSION, OSTYPE, OS DISK BLOB URI,那么这些信息到底有什么用呢?在点击了 Create 后,发生了什么过程呢? 实际上主要发生了两步: 1、将 OS DISK BLOB URI 指定的 vhd 文件复制到 VM Images 库中 ...
创建demovm_OsDisk_snapshot1,相较之前的全量备份,命令行上增加了 --incremental 参数 # 按照实际部署替换 <subscription>, <resourcegroup>, <manageddiskname> az snapshot create -g <resourcegroup> -n demovm_OsDisk_snapshot1 -l <location> --source"/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/<resos...
Revert to Azure Managed Disk snapshot on Azure VM Hi All, Looking for some assistance in reverting a Managed disk snapshot to an OS disk of the VM. Idealy i would like to do the following: 1. Detach existing OS managed disk from VM 2. Conve......