Pricing calculator Calculate your estimated hourly or monthly costs for using Azure. Get started with Azure
Save on Azure. Use the hybrid benefit cost calculator to estimate your savings. Use existing on-premises Linux, Windows Server, and SQL Server licenses on the cloud at no additional cost.
You can select more than one product to estimate costs for multiple products. For example, select Virtual Machines to add potential costs for compute resources.As you add new resources to your project, return to this calculator and add the same resource here to update your cost estimates.Costs...
On the left side of the pricing calculator, select AI + Machine Learning, then select Azure Machine Learning to begin. The following screenshot shows an example cost estimate in the pricing calculator: As you add resources to your workspace, return to this calculator and add the same resource...
You are then presented with a detailed cost estimate, which includes estimated costs for Windows Azure, SQL Azure, .NET Services and bandwidth costs.The next tab breaks down the Windows Azure costs. This includes platform application migration and setup cost estimates (shown below) and more.It ...
Example #1: Create a cost estimate for running a “Web Site and a SQL Server VM” on Azure:From the home screen under “Choose your Environment and Services” select Start:Under “Cost Estimates” select Add new Cost Estimate:Once Add new Cost Estimate is selected, you’re taken to ...
The Azure pricing page provides details for specific services; for example, Windows Virtual Machines. You can also use the Azure pricing calculator to estimate your costs. See What is Microsoft Billing? for tips to help manage your costs.How... #Cloud Storage Pricing Calculator Estimate the monthly cost of storing your data on S3, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. storage amount (gbs) 1G10G100G1T10T100T1P data transfer out (GBS) 1G10G100G1T10T100T1P read requests (thousands)...
The Azure Total Cost of Ownership(TCO) Calculator is used to estimate the cost savings you can achieve by migrating your application workloads to Microsoft Azure.
Consumers will now be able to calculate and estimate the cost of using Azure Government services by selecting one of the two “US Gov” regions we have added to the calculator. The calculator’s functions will allow users to estimate their monthly bill, wh... Azure GovernmentAzureCalculator ...