計算使用 Azure 的預估每小時或每月成本。
Save on Azure. Use the hybrid benefit cost calculator to estimate your savings. Use existing on-premises Linux, Windows Server, and SQL Server licenses on the cloud at no additional cost.
使用Azure 定價計算機有兩種方式可以前往計算機:請前往 https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/calculator/ - 或者 -前往Azure 網站 ,然後在導覽功能表中的定價下選取定價計算機連結。了解Azure 定價計算機讓我們看看定價計算機頁面的三個主要部分:產品選擇器:顯示計算機可預估成本的所有 Azure 服務。 在此部分中,有搜尋...
为特定方案配置 Azure 产品和功能并预估这些产品和功能的成本。
定價計算機是可用來取得 Azure 成本估計的網頁。 計算機提供連結讓您選取想要使用的特定服務,然後根據規劃的設定決定估計成本。提示 您可以在這裡存取定價計算機。 https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/calculator/.在[產品] 索引標籤上,您可以選取特定產品,例如:...
The simple cost calculator shown in Figure 7 estimates the operating expense of applications hosted on Azure. This Microsoft Excel-based tool allows various input parameters of a typical e-commerce application, and it computes the monthly operational cost using the Azure pricing table shown in Figure...
The simple cost calculator shown in Figure 7 estimates the operating expense of applications hosted on Azure. This Microsoft Excel-based tool allows various input parameters of a typical e-commerce application, and it computes the monthly operational cost using the Azure pricing table sho...
This article explains how to use the Azure pricing calculator to turn anticipated usage into an estimated cost, which makes it easier to plan and budget for your Azure usage.
Adding a Virtual Machine to the pricing calculator will present you with a few decisions to make, some of which will influence the estimated cost. Picking a Region (geographical location of the Azure data center), an operating system and a type (if you want to add BizTal...
DEPRECATED: The Azure Cost Estimator is now deprecated and may show incorrect pricing. Please use the Azure Pricing Calculator instead. If you are an Enterprise Agreement customer/partner or a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) then you may obtain access to t