Facebook OG 标记:将生成式 AI 与 Microsoft Azure 配合使用进行搜索。通过全文搜索、矢量搜索、语义排名程序、混合搜索等利用数据进行聊天。
TempData["page"] = page; TempData["searchfor"] = model.searchText; } catch { return View("Error", new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = "1" }); } return View("Index", model); } 与带编号的分页方法类似,我们使用“Skip”和“Size”搜索设置来请求仅返回所需的数据 。 向主控制器添...
在 Index(SearchData model) 方法中,向搜索参数添加以下行 。 cs 复制 options.OrderBy.Add("Rating desc"); 备注 默认顺序为升序,但可向属性添加 asc 来明确这一点。 降序排序通过添加 desc 进行指定。 现在运行应用,再输入任意常见搜索词。 不清楚结果是否按正确顺序显示,因为你(开发人员)和用户都没法...
Facebook OG tags: Search using generative AI with Microsoft Azure. Chat with your data through full-text search, vector search, semantic ranker, hybrid search, and more.
如果您取得WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="Azure Cognitive Search" error="invalid_token" error_description="Authentication token failed validation.",請移除令牌周圍的引號、儲存盤案,然後重試您的要求。 重點︰ 您可以使用@前置詞來指定參數。 ###會指定 REST 呼叫。 下一行包含要求,要求中必須包含HTTP/1.1。
Below are the features enabled by semantic search in Azure Cognitive Search. Before our public preview release, we tested many of these features on our own products, and the examples below show the dramatic improvements in results we achieved by applying AI at Scale technology. ...
Error: The cognitive service for skill '<skill-name>' has been throttled技能執行失敗,因為已節流對 Azure AI 服務的呼叫。 一般而言,太多技能平行執行時,會發生這種類別的失敗。 如果您要使用 Microsoft.Search.Documents 用戶端程式庫來執行索引子,則可以使用 SearchIndexingBufferedSender 來自動重試失敗的步驟。
Azure Cognitive Search (opens in new tab) is a cloud search service that gives developers APIs and tools to build rich search experiences over private, heterogeneous content in web, mobile, and enterprise applications. It has multiple components, including an API for inde...
The query stack in Azure AI Search follows a pattern that’s often used in sophisticated search systems, where there are two main layers of execution: retrieval and ranking. Retrieval –Often called L1, the goal of this step is to quickly find all the documents from the...
This is a repo for cognitive services REST API samples in 4 languages: C#, Java, Node.js, and Python. - cognitive-services-REST-api-samples/Tutorials/BingNewsSearchApp.html at master · Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-REST-api-samples