Connect devices, analyze data, and automate processes with secure, scalable, and open edge-to-cloud solutions. Azure Industrial IoT Build open, interoperable IoT solutions that secure and modernize industrial systems. IoT for sustainability Meet environmental sustainability goals and accelerate conservation...
Appliances and solutions for transferring data into and out of Azure quickly and cost-effectively Elastic SAN is a cloud-native Storage Area Network (SAN) service built on Azure. Gain access to an end-to-end experience like your on-premises SAN.Azure Elastic SAN ...
Robin Cloud Native Storage (CNS) 为 Azure Kubernetes 服务带来了先进的数据管理功能。 Robin CNS 与 Azure 磁盘存储无缝集成,以简化有状态应用程序的管理。 开发人员和 DevOps 团队可以在 AKS 上将 Robin CNS 作为标准 Kubernetes 运算符部署。 Robin Cloud Native Storage 有助于简化数据管理操作,...
And the Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer offer easy visual solutions for working with your data.Azure Storage data servicesThe Azure Storage platform includes the following data services:Azure Blobs: A massively scalable object store for text and binary data. Also includes support for big ...
使用Cirrus Migrate Cloud (CMC) 可将磁盘从现有存储系统或云迁移到 Azure。 迁移在原始系统仍在运行时继续进行。 本文将提供成功配置和执行迁移的方法。该解决方案使用在每台主机上运行的分布式迁移代理。 代理允许建立主机到主机的直接连接。 每个主机到主机的迁移都是独立的,这使得该解决...
SoftNAS can increase cloud application performance with 5x faster throughput, 3x better IOPS, and 14x less latency than other cloud storage solutions. Are you migrating legacy applications to the cloud? Need to keep costs under control? Let us show you how....
为了进一步简化迁移过程,您可以使用 Cirrus Data Solutions在Azure Marketplace 上提供的迁移工具(Azure-Sponsored migration tool)规划和执行数据迁移。现在,Cirrus Migrate Cloud 的成本优化向导使迁移变得更加容易,同时还可以节省成本。 “我们对 Azure 弹性存储区域网络的推出感到兴奋,并认为这是企业降低存储总拥有成本(...
The Azure Storage platform is Microsoft's cloud storage solution. Azure Storage provides highly available, secure, durable, massively scalable, and redundant storage for data objects in the cloud. Learn about the services available in Azure Storage and h
在OCI 上部署时,Gas South 的客户关怀和计费数据将从实用程序的 SaaS 应用程序(保存在Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage存储桶中)获取,并解析为 JSON 文件(通过Oracle SOA Cloud Service移动),并存储在通用数据提取 (GDE) 数据库中。然后,将实用程序应用程序数据结构化,以供在手动触发之前进行进一步分析和...
You can find the authors blogging and ranting nonstop about new technology at HoffmanandNate Dudekare the co-founders of Exclaim Computing, a company specializing in developing solutions for the cloud.