对于多个计算节点(multi-instance)的Azure托管服务,Fabric Controller (FC) 是自动把请求发送到其他正常的计算节点(Azure VM)。 比如我发布了一个Azure托管服务,这个服务有三个计算节点。如果我重新启动(Reboot)其中2个计算节点,如下图: 如果这时候有用户需要请求这个Azure 服务,Fabric Controller (FC)会把这些请求发...
输入之前我们设置的用户名和密码,就能进入Windows Azure VM的桌面连接了。 Windows Azure提供的云计算服务是PaaS,也就是Platform as a Service,所以已经预装好了OS(Windows Server 2008)和.Net Framework 4.0,如上图所示。 接下来稍微浏览一下这台虚拟机。首先打开"我的电脑",可以看到Windows Azure VM包含三个盘符:...
Pictures source: ES07.pptx of PDC 2008-Windows Azure Tables:Programming Cloud Table Storage文档(Document)是一个Azure的表存储,保存了一组文档实体。每一个文档对应一行记录,每一个文档包含关键属性(Document,Version) 和一些相关属性 (ChangedOn, Description);每一个属性是一个名值对,对应到数据库的一列。
Bring new solutions to life with Microsoft Azure, cloud services for building, deploying, and managing intelligent applications through a global network of datacenters.
Learn how to create a multi-tier app using ASP.NET Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Azure. The app runs in a cloud service, with web role and worker role. It uses Entity Framework, SQL Database, and Azure Storage queues and blobs.
我使用 CloudStorageAccount 類別的執行個體建立 CloudBlobClient,然後使用 blobClient GetContainerReference 方法以取得 Azure 儲存體容器的參考。然後,使用 GetBlockBlobReference CloudBlobContainer 類別方法,建立 CloudBlockBlob,其中包含要上傳的檔案名稱。這兩個可執行檔,如先前所述,位...
test.storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; test.TestBlob(); Console.ReadKey(); 1. 2. 3. 4. 7.增加testBlob方法。该方法首先创建一个container,然后上传一个文件,最后列出所有文件 public void TestBlob() { //Create blob client ...
Azure Blob Storage Azure Monitor Microsoft Defender for Cloud This article is part of a series that builds on theAzure Local baseline reference architecture. To effectively deploy Azure Local by using athree-node storage switchlessdesign, it's important to understand the baseline architecture. This ...
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The Azure Storage platform is Microsoft's cloud storage solution. Azure Storage provides highly available, secure, durable, massively scalable, and redundant storage for data objects in the cloud. Learn about the services available in Azure Storage and h