以下示例使用az vm run-command命令在 Azure Linux VM 上运行 shell 脚本。 Azure CLI复制 打开Cloud Shell az vm run-command invoke-gmyResourceGroup-nmyVm--command-idRunShellScript--scripts"apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx" 备注 若要以另一个用户的身份运行命令,请输入sudo -u以指定用户...
以下示例使用az vm run-command命令在 Azure Windows VM 上运行 shell 脚本。 Azure CLI复制 打开Cloud Shell # script.ps1# param(# [string]$arg1,# [string]$arg2# )# Write-Host This is a sample script with parameters $arg1 and $arg2az vm run-command invoke--command-idRunPowerShellScript--...
Run PowerShell scripts in your Windows VM by using Run Command:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/run-command#azure-cli azure-libraries-for-java VirtualMachineImpl.java :https://github.com/Azure/azure-libraries-for-java/blob/master/azure-mgmt-compute/src/main/java/...
Azure CLI The following examples useaz vm run-commandto run shell script on an Azure Linux VM. Execute a script with the VM This command will deliver the script to the VM, execute it, and return the captured output. Azure CLI az vm run-command create--name"myRunCommand"--vm-name"myVM...
runcmd具有多个任务: 下载并安装 Node.js 将示例 Express.js 存储库从 GitHub 克隆到myapp目录中 安装应用程序依赖项 使用PM2 启动 Express.js 应用 创建虚拟机资源 在终端输入 Azure CLI 命令az vm create,以创建 Linux 虚拟机的 Azure 资源。 此命令将从 cloud-init...
an active azure subscription . if you don't have one, create a free azure account before you begin. azure cli version 2.49.0 or later installed. to install or upgrade, see install azure cli . aks-preview azure cli extension of version 0.5.140 or later installed...
Run PowerShell scripts in your Windows VM by using Run Command: Run PowerShell scripts in a Windows VM in Azure - Azure Virtual Machinesdocs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/run-command#azure-cli azure-libraries-for-java VirtualMachineImpl.java : ...
To provision a new staging slot, I’ll use the Bash Script task and from there, use the Azure CLI to provision my slot. I also want this task to run only if all the previous tasks were successful and the reason for this build is a pull request. To do this, I drag a Bash ...
AKS Periscope can be deployed by using Azure Command-Line tool (CLI). The steps are: If CLI extension aks-preview has been installed previously, uninstall it first. az extension remove --name aks-preview Install CLI extension aks-preview. az extension add --name aks-preview Run az aks koll...
run it from the command line as well as VS... no luck. put the local.setting.json in every possible debug/release/bin folder nothing. adding an applicationsettings.json and the Azure-Cli detected the 2 files and warned that application settings file will be ignored and local.setting.json ...