程序集: Microsoft.Azure.Management.MySQL.dll 包: Microsoft.Azure.Management.MySQL v1.0.0 获取或设置服务器的备份保留天数。 C# 复制 [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="backupRetentionDays")] public int? BackupRetentionDays { get; set; } 属性值 Nullable<Int32> 属性 Newt...
AzureSqlManagedDatabaseLongTermRetentionBackupModel Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedDatabaseBackup.Services Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedInstance.Adapter Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedInstance.Cmdlet Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ManagedInstance...
Gets or sets the backup retention period in days. This is how many days Point-in-Time Restore will be supported.
從Az PowerShell 1.6.0 版起,您可以使用 PowerShell 更新原則中的立即還原快照集保留期間 PowerShell複製 $bkpPol=Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy-WorkloadType"AzureVM"$bkpPol.SnapshotRetentionInDays=5Set-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy-policy$bkpPol ...
Migrating your backups takes several days or weeks. StorSimple offers backup retention policies that will delete backups. Backups you have selected for this migration may get deleted before they had a chance to be migrated.Map your existing StorSimple volumes to Azure file shares...
Announcing Azure Backup support to move Recovery Services vaults Announcing general availability support of the move functionality for recovery services vaults, which is an Azure Resource Manager resource to manage your backup and disaster recovery needs natively in the cloud. Migrate a vault between sub...
In addition, geo-redundant backup storage enablesGeo-restore capability– a cheap and economically efficient disaster recovery option. This is default configuration value and if there is no need for data residency compliance, it is recommended to use RA-GRS backup storage for all production work...
gcp_firewall_risky_rules.sh - lists risky GCP firewall rules that are enabled and allow traffic from gcp_sql_*.sh - Cloud SQL scripts: gcp_sql_backup.sh - creates Cloud SQL backups gcp_sql_export.sh - creates Cloud SQL exports to GCS gcp_sql_enable_automated_backups.sh...
Usually there is retention period on the build artifacts. What Continuous Integration solution are you using/prefer and why? What deployment strategies are you familiar with or have used? There are several deployment strategies: * Rolling * Blue green deployment * Canary releases * Recreate ...
下面介绍如何使用Azure Backup中的长期保留功能。我们在您目前用来设置短期保留策略的相同配置屏幕中集成了相关体验。您需要选择可指定相应的时间表的每几周备份一次的选项,以获得更长的保留期。 图1:每四周一次,每次于星期日晚上9点备份 根据您用来计算保留期的任一方法,您需要在“Retention range indays”字段中输入...