Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionBackups/delete 创建长期保留策略 Portal Azure CLI PowerShell 可以对 SQL 数据库进行配置,使其保留自动备份的时间长于你的服务层级的保留期。 在Azure 门户中,导航到服务器,然后选择“备份”。 选择“保留策略”选项卡以修...
Sql.Backup.Model Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Backup.Services Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Cmdlet Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Common Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database_Backup.Cmdlet Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Cmdlet Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Model...
AzureSqlManagedDatabaseLongTermRetentionBackupModel() Properties 展开表 BackupExpirationTime Gets or sets the backup expiration time. BackupName Gets or sets the backup name. BackupTime Gets or sets the backup time. DatabaseDeletionTime Gets or sets the database...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Backup.Model.AzureSqlDatabaseBackupLongTermRetentionPolicyModel.RecoveryServicesBackupPolicyResourceId in the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Backup.Model namespace.
Using SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure, you can create a backup plan by specifying only the retention period and storage location. Although advanced settings are available, they aren't required. SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure schedules, performs, and maintains the backups...
Using SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure, you can create a backup plan by specifying only the retention period and storage location. Although advanced settings are available, they aren't required. SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure schedules, performs, and maintains the backups...
备份在Azure 上运行的SQL Server 具体操作步骤: 1. 在Azure Services 页面,点击ShopkartdemoVault 2. 然后在Shopkartdemovault页面,点击backup 3. 然后在Backup Goal页面,选择要备份的组件,比如SQL Server in Azure VM,然后按照向导配置Discovery DBs和backup,包含backup Policy,比如何时进行全部备份,何时进行差异备份...
backup compression default最小值:0 最大值:1(SQL Server 2022(16.x 以前版本)或2(SQL Server 2022 (16.x 及更高版本) 默认:0是是 阻塞的进程阈值(A)最小值:5 最大值:86400 默认:0是是 c2 审核模式(A,RR)最小值:0 最大值:1 默认:0是否 ...
backup compression default最小值:0 最大值:1(SQL Server 2022(16.x 以前版本)或2(SQL Server 2022 (16.x 及更高版本) 默认:0是是 阻塞的进程阈值(A)最小值:5 最大值:86400 默认:0是是 c2 审核模式(A,RR)最小值:0 最大值:1 默认:0是否 ...
似乎可以将sql服务器备份到azure blob存储,而不是azure sql服务器。