SkuName 屬性 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Microsoft.Azure.Management.AppService.Fluent.Models 組件: Microsoft.Azure.Management.AppService.Fluent.dll 套件: Microsoft.Azure.Management.AppService.Fluent v1.38.1 取得或設定App Service方案的目標 SKU 名稱。 C# 複製 [...
Service: App Service API Version: 2024-04-01 Description for Get all apps associated with an App Service plan. HTTP 複製 試用 GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{name}/sites?api-version=2024-04...
Standalone MySQL and PostgreSQL servers (e.g., on VMs) are unaffected by the Single Server SKU retirement. For retirement details, see MySQL Single Server retirement and PostgreSQL Single Server retirement. For back up and restore of Flexible Servers, see the respective database documentation: ...
'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2021-03-01' = { name: '${appName}-plan' location: location kind: 'app' sku: { name: 'S1' capacity: 1 } } resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-03-01' = { name: appName location: location kind: 'app' properties: { serverFarmId: appServicePlan...
If you set up all of your domains for federation with on-premises Active Directory, you can add no more than 2,500 domain names in each tenant. Resources By default, a maximum of 50,000 Microsoft Entra resources can be created in a single tenant by users of the Microsoft Entra ID Free...
Hello Team, I would like to know how to retrieve Azure App Service Deployment Center events. Specifically, I’m looking to integrate a webhook to capture trigger and deployment events from the Deployment Center. Thanks, Vinoth_Azure Need assistance on KQL query for pulling AKS Pod logs ...
CloudError An error response from the Compute service. ComponentNames The component name. Currently, the only allowable value is Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup. DataDisk Specifies the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a virtual machine. For more information about disks, see About...
The following Azure PowerShell commands will set up the initial AppService and SQL server that will be used to deploy to Azure. Many Azure resource names are required to be globally unique. Choose a term that will make your resources unique. We will call thisyour aliasthroughout the la...
azure cognitive services use custom subdomain names for each resource created through the azure portal , azure cloud shell , azure cli , bicep , azure resource manager (arm) , or terraform . unlike regional endpoints, which were common for all customers in a specific a...
You may use the Services for business asset tracking, fleet management or dispatch including, without limitation, to monitor or track the location or movement of Asset(s) without using the Services for routing if you have purchased one or more of the following SKU’s: Bing Maps Mobile Asset ...