订阅可以使用的 SKU 列表。 C# 复制 public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Azure.ResourceManager.AppService.Models.GlobalCsmSkuDescription> Skus { get; } 属性值 IReadOnlyList<GlobalCsmSkuDescription> 适用于 产品版本 Azure SDK for .NET Latest, Preview 在...
AppServiceSkuCapability() Creates a new AppServiceSkuCapability.Properties 展開資料表 Name Name of the SKU capability. Reason Reason of the SKU capability. Value Value of the SKU capability.Methods 展開資料表 Compile() Compile the resource into a set of Bicep statements. (Inherited from Provi...
如果您的 Azure 訂用帳戶中沒有 B1 SKU,請選擇不同的方案,例如 S1 (標準)。 執行下列 az webapp create 命令,以建立 App Service 執行個體。 Azure CLI 複製 az webapp create \ --name $webName \ --resource-group $rgName \ --plan $planName \ --deployment-container-image-name $registryName....
Public traffic directly to the App Service apps is blocked. Azure Front Door is used route traffic to the primary/active region. The secondary region has an App Service that's up and running and ready to serve traffic if needed. What you'll learn: ...
App Service:Requests/Response, Data, HTTP, IO, Garbage Collections, Others Staging Slot:Requests/Response, Data, HTTP, IO, Garbage Collections, App Domains, Others App Service | Data Metrics App Service | Additional Metrics Cross-App/Plan Comparison ...
Resource Utilization This chart provides a view of the key metrics and a comparison of the previous 24 hours to the current metrics. This chart is useful for determining at a glance where the performance bottleneck might be when you are seeing long logon times or failed connections. If you ...
After bringing the power of the cloud into its operation areas, EGA experienced 10 to 13 times faster AI response time, lower latency, and 86% cost savings associated with AI video and image recognition in comparison to building an AI model at the edge independently....
('applicationGatewayName')]","type":"Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways","location":"[resourceGroup().location]","dependsOn": ["[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', parameters('publicIPAddressName'))]"],"properties": {"sku": {"name":"[variables('skuName')]","tier":"...
custom_subdomain_name sku_name = var.sku_name public_network_access_enabled = var.public_network_access_enabled tags = var.tags identity { type = "SystemAssigned" } lifecycle { ignore_changes = [ tags ] } } resource "azurerm_cognitive_deployment" "deployment" { for_each = {for ...
The arrival of a Business case option enables customers to create a detailed comparison of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for their on-premises estate versus the TCO on Azure, along with a year-on-year cash flow analysis as they transition their workloads to Azure. More details on that...