1. 登录Azure Entra Center Admin 2. 在左侧导航中,点击App registration,如下所示: 3. 在App Registration页面,点击new registration, 点击Register,如下所示: 注册完成之后,授权Graph API Permission,具体操作步骤为: 1. 在ByronDemo0115的Application页面,点击左侧的API Permission,如下所示: 2. 根据需要授权Permis...
After clicking on “Grand admin consent for …” your API permissions should look like this: 11. OK, Finished. Your App Registration should now be setup to allow for the OAuth2.0 client credentials grant type, for the API Permissions you have configured. In your application source code, the ...
The definition of the delegated permissions exposed by the web API represented by this application registration adminConsentDescription api.oauth2PermissionScopes.adminConsentDescription string A description of the delegated permissions, intended to be read by an administrator granting the permission on be...
16.Grant admin consentAPI許可權。 圖17. 17.確認管理員的授權同意。 圖18. 此時,您可以考慮在Azure AD端完全配置整合。 配置ISE進行整合 1.定位至「身份管理」設定。 圖19. 導航至Administration > Identity Management> Settings。 2.啟用REST ID服務(預設情況下禁用)。
最後,按一下Grant admin consent for..(授予管理員同意……)確保將您的新許可權應用到應用程式 窗格中將出現一個彈出視窗,詢問: "是否要為<Azure名稱>中所有帳戶所請求的許可權授予同意許可權?這將更新此應用程式已經擁有的與下面列出的內容匹配的任何現有管理員同意記錄。」 ...
Before Azure AD Graph is retired, you can use these options to configure Azure AD Graph permissions for an app registration.
Select the App Service application registration from the list. Select API permissions in the left pane. Select Grant admin consent for <tenant>, where <tenant> is the name of your Microsoft Entra tenant. Confirm the consent grant by selecting Yes. PowerShell Copy Create-AADIdentityApp.ps1 ...
request when youregister your app. You don't have to request all permissions at the same time but, after you declare all of the permissions that your app may need, admins can selectGrant admin consent forin your app's configuration in the tenant to display a dialog similar to this ...
Select Grant admin consent for {tenantname} so that you grant access for all users in this directory.Now you can add external Microsoft Entra groups from the Groups tab of your API Management instance.Under Developer portal in the side menu, select Groups. Select the Add Microsoft Entra group...
Tasks.ReadWrite ClickAdd Permissions. On the API permissions page, in the Configured permissions section, clickGrant admin consentto consent on the behalf of users. Previous Page Next Page