9.选择下图的Application Permission 10.在下图中,搜索关键字:User.ReadWrite.All,然后勾选中,最后点击下图的Add Permissions 11.最后,点击下图中的Grant admin consent,允许授权操作 6.登录 6-1.Azure Entra ID登录 1.我们浏览器打开:https://portal.azure.com,直接输入登录的用户、密码,直接登录即可 6-2.Azure...
For delegated permissions, the Azure AD app is granted permission to access a resource, such as a Microsoft Graph API, on behalf of a user. In this case, the user must grant consent for the app to access their resources, and the app uses an access token obtained through the OAuth 2.0 ...
In this step, you grant the frontend app access to the backend app on the user's behalf. (Technically, you give the frontend's AD application the permissions to access the backend's AD application on the user's behalf.) In the Authentication page for the frontend app, select your fronten...
// /.default scope, and pre-configure your permissions on the // app registration in Azure. An administrator must grant consent // to those permissions beforehand. java.util.List<String> scopes = Arrays.asList("https://microsoftgraph.chinacloudapi.cn/.default"); ClientSecretCredential credentia...
Make note of the application ID that's returned in the PowerShell output. You use the ID in the following steps to provide consent for the application's permissions, and during installation. Open a new browser window, and sign in to the Azure portal as the Microsoft Entra service admin. ...
Click on the "Grant admin consent for {{organization name}}" button and confirm the action by clicking on the "Yes" button that appears at the top.Using this principal with PnP PowerShellIf you want to use this AAD App Only principal with PnP PowerShell, after you have installed the ...
Grant admin consent to bypass the user consent screen for the back-end app. Change the application code to convert the access token sent from the front-end app to an access token with the required permission for Microsoft Graph. Provide code to have backend appexchan...
1.Grant 4 permissions to application registration and grant admin consent User.ManageIdentities.All User.EnableDisableAccount.All User.ReadWrite.All Directory.ReadWrite.All Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-update?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=ht...
最后,根据文档步骤,执行 Grant admin consent for {tenantname}。 回到API Management页面,再次添加AAD Group。成功! 在完成这一步操作后,完全参考文档就可以实现:在*** Azure API ***管理中使用*** Azure Active Directory ***授权开发人员帐户 https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/api-management/api-management...
可選:您將看到Microsoft Graph預設情況下為「User.Read」許可權啟用;您可以保持此配置不變,或者按一下讀取並按一下刪除許可權將其從與應用程式關聯的API許可權中刪除。 按一下Add permissions(或者Update permissions(如果已列出Microsoft Graph) 最後,按一下Grant admin consent for..(授予管理...