1. 在ByronDemo0115的Application页面,点击左侧的API Permission,如下所示: 2. 根据需要授权Permission,以Graph API为例,点击Add a Permission,选择Microsoft Graph,授权所需要的权限,如下所示: 说明:其他Permission按需选择授权,全部Permission授权完成之后,点击Grant admin consent for Organization,如下所示: 为Applicatio...
8.选择下图的API Permission,点击Add a permission,在右侧创建中,选择Microsoft Graph 9.选择下图的Application Permission 10.在下图中,搜索关键字:User.ReadWrite.All,然后勾选中,最后点击下图的Add Permissions 11.最后,点击下图中的Grant admin consent,允许授权操作 6.登录 6-1.Azure Entra ID登录 1.我们浏览...
When I click on review request it takes me to entra admin center but under "admin Consent Request" nothing is listed. I also checked enterprise applications and its not listed there too. How do I grant this application access? Rob_Lam Please verify on below: 1. Check App Registrations: ...
查看Directory ReadAll权限(注意:需要退出当前登录用户后,重新登录一次Azure门户才可以看见) 最后,根据文档步骤,执行Grant admin consent for {tenantname}。 回到API Management页面,再次添加AAD Group。成功! 在完成这一步操作后,完全参考文档就可以实现:在Azure API管理中使用Azure Active Directory授权开发人员帐户...
api.oauth2PermissionScopes.adminConsentDisplayName string The permission's title, intended to be read by an administrator granting the permission on behalf of all users id api.oauth2PermissionScopes.id string Unique delegated permission identifier inside the collection of delegated permissions defined...
Select Grant admin consent for <tenant>, where <tenant> is the name of your Microsoft Entra tenant. Confirm the consent grant by selecting Yes. PowerShell Copy Create-AADIdentityApp.ps1 Expand table ParameterRequired or optionalDefault valueDescription DirectoryTenantName Required Null Microsoft ...
request when youregister your app. You don't have to request all permissions at the same time but, after you declare all of the permissions that your app may need, admins can selectGrant admin consent forin your app's configuration in the tenant to display a dialog similar to this ...
Grant admin consent to bypass the user consent screen for the back-end app. Change the application code to convert the access token sent from the front-end app to an access token with the required permission for the downstream service, Microsoft Graph. ...
It may be necessary to 'Grant admin consent' for the 'API permissions' being configured. Navigate toAzure App registrationsblade and add name of cluster to the filter. For both registrations, open 'API permissions', and select 'Grant admin consent for' if available. ...
最後,按一下Grant admin consent for..(授予管理員同意……)確保將您的新許可權應用到應用程式 窗格中將出現一個彈出視窗,詢問: "是否要為<Azure名稱>中所有帳戶所請求的許可權授予同意許可權?這將更新此應用程式已經擁有的與下面列出的內容匹配的任何現有管理員同意記錄。」 ...